Excellent student Iwakura Mitsumi has always dreamt about leaving her small town, going to a prestigious university, and making positive change in the world. But she's so focused on reaching her goals...

8.20 442

In an era long past, a malevolent Demon Lord wreaked havoc across the world. This tyranny persisted until a courageous Hero emerged, confronting and ultimately vanquishing the Demon Lord. In the after...

7.50 6.93 972

Grumpy insomniac Ganta Nakami stumbles across the moderately rebellious yet easygoing Isaki Magari in the Astronomy Club's abandoned observatory. Magari is jolted awake and tries to escape from the sc...


Ever since their father died, Ichirou Kuga has struggled to support his two younger siblings on nothing but a small inheritance and his passion for drawing manga. But it's becoming harder to keep up w...

7.11 775

There was once a man who was summoned to another world, and saved it. Of course, he became too popular there, and turned into an isekai-normie. However, that man fell into a "trap" and was forcibly re...

5.81 781

In a quaint town on the fringes, Lawrence serves as the local pastor, guiding souls to the church and the comforting embrace of the "Saint"—a beacon of virtue who offers counsel and understanding to...

7.50 7.29 1173

The plot revolves around Tosuke Rokudo, who is frequently bullied at school. He receives a package from his grandfather one day, and inside is a scroll that grants him an unknown power. Tosuke believe...

6.50 6.18 564

In the near future, a sudden and unexplained sea rise has left much of human civilization underwater. Ikaruga Natsuki, a boy who lost his mother and his leg in an accident some years earlier, returns ...

7.12 7.42 636

Young boys and girls live under one roof and experience the ignorance and troubles of youth. The super-popular girl who is warm in style feels the bud of youthfulness, this one is enough!...


Yan Yuechu returned to his hometown to work and made new friends at his workplace. One day, he went to XY Escape Room and found himself deeply attracted to the proprietor, Xu Aiyou. However, that was ...

7.50 7.13 550

The phrase "no one can live alone" was something that Akemitsu Akegami's father constantly repeated to him, but he's a tough cookie. After all, Akemitsu's father most likely didn't mean for it to come...

6.00 6.80 680

Emile Petit, a reserved projectionist, makes a delivery to the Botanical Gardens in 1910 Paris with the help of his buddy Raoul. Charles, a proboscis monkey, watches over the area while the professor ...

6.70 318