The protagonist of the tale is 15-year-old high school student Kenichi Shirahama, a longtime victim of bullying. He befriends Miu Frinji, a transfer student, early on in the novel. Wanting to learn mo...

8.10 8.06 466

Su Xiao has been ignored due of her frightful aura ever since she was a young girl. She is now an actor, but regrettably, she is always cast as the bad guy. An unclear scene between Su Xiao and his...

6.87 511

Takuto Hasegawa, the protagonist of Magician's Academy, attends a magic academy that isn't seen on any maps. He unintentionally produces Tanarotte, a girl with the magical ability to destroy his natio...

6.40 6.93 503

Kaname Okiura, a student at Prefectoral Umineko Shougyou High (also known as "Umishou"), joined the swimming club at his school in an effort to learn how to swim, but the group is full of weirdos and ...

6.90 7.13 524

Since Lynn Minmay's efforts in the Macross events to end hostilities between the Zentradi and humans, 35 years have passed. The singer and guitarist for the band Fire Bomber is Nekki Basara. He writes...

6.40 7.13 527

After a disastrous conflict with a race of giants known as the Zentradi, humanity has fled to the galactic center on a fleet of colonial ships known as the Macross Frontier. Life on Macross Frontier c...

7.90 7.90 506

Eight years after the events of Macross F, the galaxy is being slowly consumed by a mysterious condition known as the Var Syndrome. A new group of extremely skilled Valkyrie pilots must take on this g...

5.90 7.27 611

In the Cosmic Era 0071, the space colony Heliopolis maintains its neutrality in the massive conflict between Coordinators—human beings whose biological features were altered before birth—and Natur...

7.20 7.75 518

No one is unaware that magic is not real. However, when done by a true professional, magic has the power to astound and astonish its audience. Son of internationally renowned stage magician Touichi Ku...

7.20 7.78 497

a setting where creativity is magical. People who, through their Magic Arts, can arouse passion are known as Artistas in this world and work in the entertainment industry. Kohana Aigasaki, a peculiar ...

7.40 7.02 483

Kyousuke Kasuga has experience being a new student in school. He has spent his whole childhood avoiding those who learn about his family's supernatural abilities despite only being a third-year middle...

7.70 7.54 544

Witches and wizards appear to be purely fantastical constructs in the human world. Mirai Asahina, ever the daring teen, sets out to debunk this idea by tracing the path of a strange shooting star that...

7.60 7.21 495