The series is set in 2107, a year in which little conflicts erupt all around the world. A group of four individuals—Aoi Hidaka, Kurara Tachibana, Sakuya Kamon, and Johnny Bernet—are selected to op...

6.80 7.24 579

Harui Komaba is a typical guy, but his two female childhood pals are actually something else: Airi is a cyborg and Ayana is half-dog as a result of a disastrous experiment involving dog DNA when she w...

5.46 4.60 483

Hino Akiharu was adopted into his uncle's family after losing his parents when he was a young child. He decides to enroll in Hakureiryou high school, a free boarding school, as a butler because he doe...

6.60 6.57 547

Momona, a junior in high school from Jewel Land, is an ordinary student. She envies Lady Diana, the bride, who is getting married to her cousin, on whom she had a small crush, at her cousin's wedding....

7.40 7.45 527

A boy named Kenji and his childhood companion Nanami are the subjects of Lamune's tale. Despite the fact that everyone seems to be aware of their relationship, neither of them is eager to push it any ...

6.50 6.80 455

Lan Mo is not anyone's dream girl because she is gluttonous and tomboyish, but with the help of a magical hair clip from an enigmatic shop that vanishes the next day, she might be able to change that....

6.43 629

In the post-apocalyptic world of Basara, a line of corrupt and repressive Saffron Clan lords have ruled over Japan. The present one is the Golden Emperor, a ruler who has slaughtered the majority of h...

7.30 7.27 598

For 400 years, the Kagemori family has been covertly defending the Konnyaku family, a neighbor. Since they were in kindergarten together, Mamoru has been Yna Konnyaku's guardian. Mamoru rapidly dons h...

6.30 6.58 479

The austere Emperor Xiao Jinyun and the vivacious Empress Xu Yu are rivals inside the Chinese imperial court. However, the universe has an interesting solution for their problems: a collision forces t...

8.40 7.47 515

The German philosopher Karl Marx is the subject of The Leader, which centers on his relationships with Jenny von Westphalen and Friedrich Engels, as well as his political and economic views. Marx was ...

6.30 6.04 522

Death of the body no longer equates to death of the soul in a world where memories are stored on memory chips that are independent from the body. Memories can be accessed, changed, and transmitted acr...

8.10 8.14 429

A young man with a huge idea who is dedicated to challenging the existing quo and working hard to build a new world. In this age of brilliance, which is filled with difficulties and opportunities, the...

8.10 6.93 593