In the fictional Cosplay City, one hundred years have passed since the events of the original Cutie Honey television series from 1973. Mayor Light, Raito shich (voiced by Sho Hayami in the Japanese ve...

7.00 6.64 476

There was once a legend that revolved on two characters: the Black Prince of Darkness, symbolized by the Black Cat, and the White Maiden of the Sky, represented by the White Cat. At the same time, the...

5.60 5.35 416

Kimito Kagurazaka attends a typical high school. One day, he is compelled to enroll in All-Girls School Seikain, a place where the noble female pupils are isolated from the outside world in order to p...

6.50 6.71 462

The novel takes place in a made-up planet where races of gods and devils live side by side with mankind. Both races possess mystical abilities that humans found astounding because they had never exper...

6.80 7.04 394

A scheme to open a gate between Earth and the world of Nemesis was put into motion in 1999 by Gigelf Liqueur with assistance from the Magician's Guild. The goal was to exchange Earth's contaminated ai...

6.70 6.78 490

After graduating from college, Rikuo Uozumi has all but given up hope of a bright future and is now working aimlessly at a convenience store in Tokyo. His routine existence is disturbed when the odd H...

6.90 6.89 428

According to the premise of Sister Princess, a regular young man (the player) is forced to live with 12 adorable younger sisters, each of which has their own unique traits and personalities. The actua...

5.10 6.39 444

The protagonists of the narrative are Canadian stunt pilot Pete Pumps and Japanese figure skater Tazusa Sakurano. Tazusa loses consciousness after collapsing in the middle of a Triple Lutz during a qu...

7.50 7.31 481

The protagonist of Skip Beat! is sixteen-year-old Kyoko Mogami, who adores Shotaro Fuwa, her childhood buddy, but who is betrayed by him. She gained a lot of knowledge about hospitality and other rela...

7.80 8.09 420

Shirayuki is a typical herbalist in the Tanbarun kingdom with one distinctive quality: her stunning red hair, which draws a lot of attention. Shirayuki was taught to always be cautious while revealing...

7.70 7.76 432

Kei Takishima has always come in second to Hikari Hanazono. Their pro wrestling-loving fathers introduced them to one another when they were six years old. Young Hikari, certain that she was the best ...

7.20 7.51 455

In Speed Grapher, a former war photographer named Tatsumi Saiga explores the Roppongi Club, a covert fetish club for the super-rich. He tries to take a picture of Kagura, a 15-year-old exploited girl ...

7.10 7.32 445