The story, which is set in an alternate 1889, focuses on Nadia, a 14-year-old girl of unknown ancestry, and Jean, a young, kind-hearted French inventor. Grandis Granva, Sanson, and Hanson, a trio of j...

7.80 7.52 505

Since ancient times, human civilisation has existed on the ocean floor thanks to the development of an underwater-friendly layer on their skins called Ena. The fact that so many people chose to reloca...

7.40 8.00 605

The Mikadono Group is a multinational corporation with its headquarters in Japan and is run by Kumagoro Mikadono. He designates his son Shogo as his successor in the business. However, once Kumagoro p...

6.00 6.53 657

When they both travel to Tokyo after turning 20 on March 5, 2001, Nana Osaki and Nana Komatsu (also known as Hachi)[a] cross paths: Nana O. to pursue a professional music career with her band, Black S...

8.50 8.52 445

The protagonist of the tale is the aloof and chilly seventeen-year-old Nanaka Kirisato, a student who only thinks about her grades and getting into a reputable university. Nenji Nagihara, a childhood ...

6.80 6.58 458

Negi Springfield takes on the roles of English and homeroom teacher for Mahora Academy Class 2A while searching for information regarding his missing father Nagi (later 3A). Most of Negi's new classma...

6.80 6.94 413

After dealing with Evangeline, Negi leads the class on a trip to Kyoto in an effort to learn more about his father's whereabouts. However, he is forced to engage in combat with Eastern mages who are t...

6.10 6.69 454

The world is shocked by the sudden exit from the entertainment industry of well-known star Yuka Kusakabe, and her strongest supporter, a teenage boy by the name of Kosaku Hata, is devastated. His Tamo...

6.40 6.77 341

The top student at Momogaoka College of Music, the haughty, multilingual perfectionist Shinichi Chiaki has a hidden desire to become a conductor. He was raised in a musical household and is gifted on ...

8.20 8.28 492

A cataclysmic pan-dimensional conflict between the two dominating "time-spaces" of the cosmos is happening fifteen years from now. These are Shangri-La, another potential dimension that could exist fi...

7.50 7.58 363

Second-year high school student Junpei Ksaka abhors the sight of cats since he is allergic to them. As luck would have it, Kaede Mizuno, his high school crush, enjoys cats a lot. One day as she return...

7.10 7.15 481

In order to get to know one another better, the girls in a high school reading club answer the question, "What is one thing you wish to do before you die?" "Sex," one of the girls screams out. They ar...

7.30 7.37 487