Makoto Okano changed schools to attend the one in his hometown. With his sister Hinata, a joking classmate named Tachibana Tsutomu, Kasumi Shikouin, Tsutomu's childhood pal, and other friends, he spen...

5.00 5.92 395

Wind: A Breath of Heart is an anime series based on a visual novel of the same name. It follows the story of a young high school student named Makoto Okano, who returns to his hometown of Kazune after...

6.15 362

Wind: A Breath of Heart is an anime series based on a visual novel of the same name. It follows the story of a young high school student named Makoto Okano, who returns to his hometown of Kazune after...

5.96 331

The special episodes of the anime with the same name. Wind: A Breath of Heart is an anime series based on a visual novel of the same name. It follows the story of a young high school student named ...

6.14 362

This is the mature Dejiko's wonderful and bitter love story. On Christmas Day, the narrative starts. Dejiko, also known as Di Gi Carat, works part-time at a bakery. She meets Senba Taokuo, a young man...

6.56 400

Joon-sang (Bae Yong-joon), the son of a well-known musician, moves to Chuncheon, a rural South Korean city, at the start of the narrative. Joon-sang is recognized by both his professors and his peers ...

6.50 7.29 450

Subaru is prepared to visit her school's observation room with a telescope in hand to see the meteor shower that night. What she didn't expect was a luxurious garden with a magnificent fountain and a ...

6.20 6.72 495

Ayaka Kagari, the "Princess" of Tougetsu High School, was nothing more than an unattainable idol for Honoka Takamiya, despite the fact that they rode the same bus to school every day and were seated n...

6.70 7.01 483

"Witch Craft Works" is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Ryū Mizunagi. It takes place in a world where magic and witches exist, and follows the story of a high school student nam...

6.73 395

DVD OVA of Witch Craft Works bundled with the eighth manga volume....

6.79 602

Megu-Chan chronicles the adventures of a strong (though reckless) young witch who travels to Earth to complete her introduction into society. Megu is a potential candidate for the Witch World's crown,...

7.20 6.80 456

Robin Sena is a skilled craftsperson who was accepted into the STNJ, a team of trained hunters who take on dangerous creatures known as Witches. Despite having enormous firepower, she still has a lot ...

7.20 7.25 544