In this planet, humanity peacefully dwell with angels, devils, and other supernatural creatures. Neil Bowman is a unique kind of demon; he is fascinated by human civilization and, despite his best eff...

7.90 7.90 511

The Inuyama Family relocates from Kyushu to the well-known Hoppongi Hills, which are styled like Roppongi Hills. They also bring their pet dog Tetsunoshin. The father of Rumi Inuyama runs an IT busine...

6.65 390

Wei Qin, the commander of the border troops, visited the Fortress in the year 2115 in order to take part in the election of the elected official and to covertly look into individuals accountable for t...

5.91 286

The story is based on the genuine street racing that takes place on Tokyo's Shuto Expressway, the longest and straightest road in the nation. One section of this expressway is known as the "Wangan," w...

7.30 7.47 537

In a world where yin and yang has lost its balance and day merged with night, humans and monsters learn to coexist. Our hardworking censorates do their best to fight the ‘untamed’ monsters in this...

6.52 467

"Wangpai Yushi," also known as "Ace Censorate," is a Chinese anime series. It is based on a webcomic of the same name and follows the story of Li Mingyang, a young boy who becomes a member of the Cens...

6.02 500

Although life is finite, the heavenly Dao is eternal, making heaven and earth the pieces on a chessboard. Gu Hai from the twenty-first century was transported to an alien planet. Gu Hai developed b...

6.63 468

The main character, Shi Hao, is a genius favored by the heavens born into the worst situations into a unique universe where villages battle to obtain power and dominance. However, there is a shadow...

7.70 7.40 572

Girls known as Pentagrams study general education, magic, and etiquette to become proper ladies in the magical academic city of Ashram. The school is like a secret garden, hidden from the rest of the ...

6.50 5.84 465

Each episode centers on the current client of traveling salesman Fukuzou Moguro. When Moguro's bargains are completed and his clients' sick needs are gratified, they frequently suffer horrible consequ...

7.30 6.76 495

Each episode centers on the current client of traveling salesman Fukuzou Moguro. When Moguro's bargains are completed and his clients' sick needs are gratified, they frequently suffer horrible consequ...

6.80 6.28 502

"Warau Salesman," also known as "The Laughing Salesman," is a manga and anime series created by Fujiko F. Fujio. It follows the story of Moguro Fukuzou, a mysterious and enigmatic salesman who offers ...

5.92 463