This is a list of episodes of the American animated television series The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, which was created by Maxwell Atoms, and which originally aired on Cartoon Network from Augus...

7.00 6.80 127

“GOLAN THE INSATIABLE” is the story of a mighty godlord from an alternate universe who arrives in the small town of Oak Grove, where his only friend is a 10-year-old goth girl named DYLAN. Togethe...

7.70 7.00 115

Mike Tyson Mysteries is a television show in which retired boxer Mike Tyson leads a gang of mystery-solvers including an Asian teenage girl who is also Tyson’s foster daughter, a ghost, and an anthr...

6.10 7.20 137

The series revolves around Flapjack and Cap'n K'nuckles. Flapjack is a young boy raised by a talking whale named Bubbie. Flapjack leads a peaceful life until the duo rescues a pirate by the name of Ca...

7.80 7.40 120

Ken Kaneki is a bookworm college student who meets a girl names Rize at a cafe he frequents. They're the same age and have the same interests, so they quickly become close. Little does Kaneki know tha...

7.80 6.20 105

Mendosa, the chief adviser of the king of Valiante, begins a campaign to hunt down "witches," resulting in the deaths of many magical knights and their sorcerer assistants. Anna, a sorceress married ...

7.50 7.80 98

As a direct continuation of the first season, Zero comes back after his disappearance from the academy. Despite her relief, Yuuki, whose past is still shrouded in mystery, wonders what exactly happene...

6.50 7.10 101

Shinichi Izumi is a normal high school boy whose right hand has become infected with an alien parasite that names itself "Migi" ("right"). Migi is the first parasite to develop a symbiotic relationshi...

7.60 7.40 118

The year is 1987 and 17-year-old Jotaro Kujo finds himself suddenly plagued by a ghost-like entity. Jotaro’s grandfather Joseph Joestar, a veteran of a fight to save humanity fifty years prior, arri...

6.10 7.10 136

Since 1973, an invasion of aliens known as BETA upon Earth is driving human civilization into nearly collapse. Facing an enormous mass of enemy force, mankind has developed large humanoid arms called ...

8.00 7.40 125

Based on the comic book series of the same name, Archie Andrews and the gang tackle "weird mysteries" and write about them in the school newspaper...

7.60 7.00 117

Pass the Fawlty Towers, turn right after the Adams Family's and you'll find the ZOMBIE HOTEL! Wide eyed twins Fungus and Maggot will welcome you, along with their Mom and Dad Zombies, Rictus and Funer...

7.40 6.20 112