Fourteen years after his legendary battle against the immortal Himuro Genma and the nefarious Shogun of the Dark, Kibagami Jubei wanders the land of Japan as a masterless swordsman, seeking purpose in...

6.32 6.66 270

A compilation film featuring the second half of the television series....

7.32 7.56 300

In an era of rapid industrial growth, humanity faces a crisis with the emergence of a mysterious virus that transforms people into mindless creatures known as "Kabane." These undead beings, driven by ...

7.34 7.55 302

Kei, a high school student, is thrown into a world of unexpected horror when he discovers that he, along with at least forty-six others, has become immortal. Unfortunately, this extraordinary ability ...

7.11 7.43 194

Kei, a high school student, discovers he has immortality. However, his newfound ability is not seen as a blessing but as a threat. Both the public and governments consider him a rare specimen to be st...

7.14 7.22 214

Death does not have to be the end; one can live again, but only through beating the game posed by the black ball called Gantz. On his way home to celebrate his younger brother's birthday, brave and...

7.17 7.40 198

An animated anthology of five tales adapted from Edgar Allan Poe's stories....

6.04 292

Death does not have to be the end; one can live again, but only through beating the game posed by the black ball called Gantz. On his way home to celebrate his younger brother's birthday, brave and...

7.23 7.32 252

A young scientist must save his town when he accidentally creates a monster. ...

6.03 219

Movie based on the 2007 TV anime with an original plot....

4.07 191

A high school student named Sho accidentally discovers a mysterious metal object that transforms him into The Guyver, a weapon-clad armored being. The Chronos corporation, the creators of the Guyver a...

6.03 288