Tenmo, a made-up town in the Kanagawa Prefecture, serves as the scene of the action. In the year 2070, a strange enormous entity that is practically a monster in itself stops an alien invasion of Toky...

7.40 7.00 505

The Milky Way galaxy's Guardian, Lanancuras, started to crave more power in the distant past. He was able to add pieces of planets to his strength by absorbing them thanks to his link to the galaxy. H...

7.40 6.94 350

The old ways are back! And female empowerment is supreme! Ayame, Sumire, Renge, and Satsuki are tasked with defending the Earth from an extremely potent new foe. However, these females might be in for...

6.30 5.77 504

The main characters of the series are Mondo Ooya and his classmate and girlfriend Rockna Hiiragi (Rokuna in the Japanese version), whose scientist father Professor Ichiroubei Hiiragi developed a metho...

6.70 6.47 464

On a twisting track dug out of an abandoned mine in Okinawa, a group of dedicated skaters compete in a clandestine, no-holds-barred event known as "S" after midnight. They periodically develop rivalri...

8.00 8.03 496

Unidentified gamer wakes up with the avatar body and armor he was using while playing online. He is startled to learn that he resembles a skeleton when he sees his reflection in a river because of the...

6.80 7.21 454

The Lord of Nightmares, who fashioned at least four parallel worlds, is the supreme deity in the Slayers universe. The Lord of Nightmares' quest to reclaim its "true form," which can only be accomplis...

7.50 7.73 320

The Lord of Nightmares, who fashioned at least four parallel worlds, is the supreme deity in the Slayers universe. The Lord of Nightmares' quest to reclaim its "true form," which can only be accomplis...

7.50 7.39 507

The Lord of Nightmares, who fashioned at least four parallel worlds, is the supreme deity in the Slayers universe. The Lord of Nightmares' quest to reclaim its "true form," which can only be accomplis...

7.50 8.02 497

The Lord of Nightmares, who fashioned at least four parallel worlds, is the supreme deity in the Slayers universe. The Lord of Nightmares' quest to reclaim its "true form," which can only be accomplis...

7.50 7.25 448

The Lord of Nightmares, who fashioned at least four parallel worlds, is the supreme deity in the Slayers universe. The Lord of Nightmares' quest to reclaim its "true form," which can only be accomplis...

7.50 7.81 439

The Lord of Nightmares, who fashioned at least four parallel worlds, is the supreme deity in the Slayers universe. The Lord of Nightmares' quest to reclaim its "true form," which can only be accomplis...

7.50 7.35 465