The story takes place in a school where fights are graded rather than broken up. The narrative introduces Ryoko Mitsurugi, the current K-Fight Champion and self-described Samurai Girl from Daimon High...

5.50 5.95 396

Chaos used to be the dominant force in the globe. One of the numerous characteristics of this enigmatic universe is chaos. The appearance of demons and natural calamities, which are referred to as "th...

7.10 7.22 469

Lodoss and its kingdoms, which were formed from the remains of the most significant godly conflict, have experienced constant warfare for thousands of years. An unidentified evil starts to stir as a q...

7.60 7.37 447

Lodoss and its kingdoms, which were formed from the remains of the most significant godly conflict, have experienced constant warfare for thousands of years. An unidentified evil starts to stir as a q...

7.30 7.13 491

Alexander is the son of Olympias, a serpent magician, and Philip II, king of Macedonia. Alexander travels to the woods with Philotas and Hephaestion to tame a wild man-eating horse in order to get "sp...

7.00 5.72 499

At the dawn of time, the gods ruled the universe under the leadership of the mighty Tentei. But suddenly, the ferocious general, Taishakuten, appears, and destroys Tentei. Taishakuten declares that a ...

5.90 6.09 432

The year G.C. (Galaxy Century) 0051, which corresponds to Neo Tokyo, is the 50th year since initial contact. With the help of aliens, humans have developed super light-speed navigational technology an...

5.70 6.53 344

The Goddess of Fate selects six individuals, known as the Braves of the Six Flowers, to vanquish the Demon God. They suspect that one of the heroes is a fake and is on the Demon God's side because the...

6.90 7.29 532

Talpa, the Netherworld's demon lord and head of The Dynasty, is hell-bent on destroying the mortal world. The five Ronin Warriors, each with mystical armor and weaponry, are battling Talpa and his fou...

7.40 7.07 497

Ronja, the sole child of a bandit chief, grows up amid a gang of bandits who reside in a castle in the Scandinavian forests during the early Middle Ages. When Ronja is old enough, she goes exploring i...

7.10 7.10 623

Seven bisque dolls electrified and given intelligence by a gem called Rosa Mystica were made in the 20th century by the renowned doll manufacturer Rozen. Phase 2 Since then, Rozen has dispatched the d...

6.90 7.41 469

Seven bisque dolls electrified and given intelligence by a gem called Rosa Mystica were made in the 20th century by the renowned doll manufacturer Rozen. Phase 2 Since then, Rozen has dispatched the d...

6.90 7.62 429