Asuna Watase, a brilliant student and lone caretaker, finds solace in her old crystal radio. She stumbles upon a haunting melody that sparks an adventure. A mysterious boy, Shun, rescues her from dang...

7.25 7.51 301

Kappa no Coo is a story about Kouichi Uehara, a fourth-grade student who finds a fossilized baby kappa named "Coo." They become friends, and Coo starts living with Kouichi's family. However, Coo strug...

7.35 7.50 239

Harlock: Space Pirate is a tale of rebellion against the tyrannical Illumidus Empire, which has conquered Earth. Drawing parallels to the U.S. occupation of Japan after World War II, the story follows...

7.28 7.48 226

Nobita discovered a small sapling behind the hill, but his mother forbade him from planting it in the backyard. With the help of Doraemon's magical tools, they brought the sapling to life, allowing it...

7.17 7.48 207

Da Yu Hai Tang is a tale set in a mythical world where spirit-like beings oversee the mortal realm. Chun, a young spirit, must experience the human world as part of her coming-of-age ritual. During a ...

7.35 7.47 240

The Fourth Raikage and his subordinates are ambushed by a cloaked intruder while discussing a sensitive investigation. The Raikage repels the attacker, only to be shocked to find it is Naruto Uzumaki....

7.31 7.46 238

About 700 million years ago, Earth was covered in ice. This lasted for millions of years. This time, Doraemon and his friends go on a frozen adventure to find something more exciting....

7.24 7.45 216

Kenshiro, a master of Hokuto Shinken, a deadly martial art, travels with Lynn and Bart. Kenshiro's brothers, Toki and Raoh, chose different paths. Toki uses his martial arts skills to heal people, whi...

7.24 7.45 262

Infected Digimon, digital monsters gone wild, are invading the real world. Maki Himekawa and Daigo Nishijima, agents of a secret organization, investigate these attacks. Most of the Chosen Children ar...

7.21 7.44 205

Three years have passed since the gate to the Digital World was sealed. Taichi Yagami and his friends have moved on with their lives, now navigating their second year of high school. While most of his...

7.17 7.43 189

Bell Cranel, on his journey to become a powerful adventurer and delve deeper into the "Dungeon," strolls through the bustling streets of Orario with his friends and the goddess Hestia. As evening fall...

7.28 7.44 270

The Straw Hats are on a quest to find a doctor for their sick friend Nami. They arrive at Drum Island, but the only doctor left is the reclusive Dr. Kureha, who lives at the top of a mountain. Luffy a...

7.23 7.44 254