Opus the Penguin, the main character of all three Breathed comic strips and a current Outland figure, serves as the focal point of the narrative. Opus is depressed since he can't fly because he's a pe...

7.60 396

Sonic the Hedgehog, a cocky, cheeky, but good-hearted teenage hedgehog with the ability to move at supersonic speeds, is the star of the comedic, lighthearted, and gag-driven adventure series Adventur...

6.20 453

The setting of Aeon Flux is a fantastical future world inspired by German Expressionism. The cities of Monica and Bregna are divided by a border wall, and the scenario is a weird dystopia populated by...

7.80 387

After the events of All Dogs Go to Heaven 2, Charlie and Itchy are now a guardian angel couple living in San Francisco. They are given a mission to complete in each episode by Annabelle, and despite t...

6.60 440

follows the exploits of the entire Rugrats crew. However, they are all adults today. The entire group has transformed, including Chuckie becoming a risk-taker and Angelica becoming friendlier. The gro...

5.40 362

When King Julien XII (also known as Uncle King Julien), a very stern and cowardly ring-tailed lemur, is prophesied to be eaten by fossa (spelled and pronounced "foosa"), he abdicates his throne in fav...

7.10 394

The Banana Cabana is a tropical resort where the animation is set. The entire cabana's crew and guests are amusing animals who have had their fur removed and only wear underwear. Howie is the cabana's...

3.20 404

A race of organic beings with human-like characteristics known as GoBeings lived on the planet GoBotron in the Proxima System thousands of years ago, according to the series' history. When the ruthles...

6.30 370

The show follows two little wisecracking troublemakers as they struggle to live the good life in a big metropolitan park while having giant-sized, sky-high adventures. It combines classic cartoon humo...

6.00 379

In Chip and Potato, young Chip the pug embarks on the exciting yet daunting journey of growing up. As she navigates the challenges of starting school and making new friends, her loyal companion, Potat...

6.50 384

In this vibrant continuation of the beloved Chip and Dale saga, the two iconic chipmunks reunite after decades apart, each having taken very different paths. Chip, now a successful yet unfulfilled ins...

7.60 392

In this whimsical series, young Chloe sparks her imagination by transforming her room into a magical world through dress-up adventures. Accompanied by her beloved dolls—Lovely Carrot, Wizz, and Sogg...

7.20 387