The television show centers on the lives of British youngster Mark Hollander, who immigrated to Conestoga Hills, New York, with his parents. One rainy night, Mark plays his favorite video game, the ma...

6.40 289

The protagonists of the novel are Liz Ramsey and her younger brother Mick Ramsey, two typical teens with the exception that their mother Angela Ramsey is a super-villain and their father Chuck Ramsey ...

8.30 317

The original shorts from KaBlam are combined into a 30-minute presentation that is thematically related to one another. The show follows four superheroes, who are action figures, on stopping evil. Th...

8.10 339

The Action Pack, a group of four aspiring superheroes who are mentored by their teacher Mr. Ernesto and his robot dog Plunky, are the focus of the television show....

6.60 352

The story of Adventure Time centers on a young kid named Finn the Human (Jeremy Shada), who has magical abilities to change his size at will, and his best friend and adopted brother Jake the Dog (John...

8.60 1215

The royal vizier of the Middle Eastern city of Agrabah, Jafar, is a vicious sorcerer who is searching for a lamp buried inside the Cave of Wonders. The cave's gatekeeper informs him that only one pers...

8.00 244

Three chipmunk brothers, Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. The trio have been adopted by and are living with Dave (human). Each show finds the boys getting into trouble and new and unusual situations. ...

6.60 432

She was born into the Amethyst royal line of Gemworld, a made-up realm populated by magical beings and magic, and her parents were assassinated not long after she was born by Dark Opal, who would late...

7.30 496

The show follows the exploits of Anne Boonchuy, a strong, daring, and independent Thai-American teenager. As punishment for breaking into a mysterious music box known as the Calamity Box on her 13th b...

8.30 204

Raf, Uri, Sweet, Miki, and Sulfus are taken to Earth, where they train in an abandoned section of the Golden School to become Guardian Devils and Guardian Angels, respectively. Sulfus, Cabiria, Kabale...

7.30 331

The youngster who attempts to be wise is named Angelo. He continuously devises schemes and tactics to get out of sticky situations. He is also adamant that nothing would go in the way of achieving his...

6.60 300

Piggie Island life is not always easy, as depicted in Angry Birds Toons. Red, his irate flock of angry birds, Chuck, Matilda, Bomb, the Blues, and Terence must band together to defend their eggs and f...

6.20 410