The plot centers on Iruma Suzuki, a 14-year-old human kid whose lazy, self-centered, and careless parents sell him to a demon. Iruma is brought to the Demon World by the demon known as Sullivan, who f...

7.70 7.75 487

The five members of the Senk High School Literature Club—Jurai, Tomoyo, Hatoko, Sayumi, and Chifuyu—all have superpowers, and the tale centers on them. Their superpowers are now a part of their da...

6.40 7.08 500

The CCG's invasion on Anteiku occurred two years ago. Even though the CCG's expanding power has significantly altered Tokyo's environment, ghouls continue to be a problem because they have started act...

6.70 6.38 747

The film Wild Arms makes use of the legends surrounding Sheyenne Rainstorm, a lethal gunslinger imprisoned inside the body of a young child. Sheyenne sets off on a long trip to learn about his lost pa...

6.20 6.65 478

Quiet Tatsuma Hiyuu transfers to Magami Academy in Shinjuku during the spring of his senior year of high school. The mystery guy immediately befriends class troublemaker Kyouichi Houraiji thanks to hi...

6.20 7.08 428

A young salaryman who perished in an accident was reincarnated in a magical and demonic world. He was given the name Shin when he was a young child and picked up by the national hero "Sage" Merlin Wol...

6.80 6.61 497

Ichigo Momomiya anticipated a more passionate conclusion to her date with Masaya Aoyama than her passing out after having a dream about a cat entering her body. The next day, she starts acting more li...

6.90 7.05 446

During the Second World War, the Japanese once employed the potent strategy of onmyoudou magic to get the upper hand and build their country as a strong force. But once the revered onmyouji Yakou Tsuc...

7.30 7.45 401

In Tokyo in 2018, magicians and people coexist. Police still maintain social order, but wizards known as Wud are tried in special tribunals under the Magic Prohibition Law and are defended by wizard a...

6.40 6.18 486

There will be a location called Paradise when the earth ends, according to an ancient myth. But wolves alone will know where to look. Although it is thought that wolves were hunted to extinction aroun...

7.90 7.81 426

Following her close friend Koito Nagase's suicide, junior high school student Ai Ohto is briefly absent from class in the anime series. Ai is led by an enigmatic voice on a late-night stroll to a dese...

7.50 7.69 508

Akane Academy is the setting for World Break: Aria of Curse for a Holy Swordsman. There, students with special abilities known as Saviors receive training to combat creatures called Metaphysicals that...

6.90 6.80 497