"Dew Drop Diaries" follows a group of three-inch tall family fairies - or Dew Drops, as they're known in the fairy world - who live inside teensy fairy houses on brownstone balcony gardens in "The Big...


Two human princes who forge an unlikely bond with the elfin assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands. ...

8.30 434

This adult animated series is adapted from the Skybound/Image comic and revolves around a teenager whose father happens to be the most formidable superhero in the world. Incorporating material from...

8.70 599

In this world, creatures like vampires and werewolves still walk about, but Aya Rindo can’t say the same for herself. This beautiful disembodied head, carried by her maid Shizuku Hasei, is a detecti...

8.40 7.80 487

Ryza is an average girl who yearns for more excitement in her dull village life. Seeking a break from the monotony, she escapes the confines of her village to reunite with her close friends at a conce...

6.90 6.71 673

A teenage mom who once ran away from home finds herself accidentally brought back to life in her family's funeral parlor. This unexpected event grants her a remarkable second opportunity to raise her ...

5.60 556

In a bygone era, a fearsome Demon Lord terrorized the world until a Hero emerged, bravely confronting the Demon Lord and ultimately defeating him, bringing an end to his tyranny. In the wake of this v...

7.60 6.46 587

Once a feared necromancer known as the Corpse God, after a monumental battle, he is reborn into the modern world as Polka Shinoyama, a seemingly ordinary Tokyo boy. Navigating the challenges of his ne...


Kaoru Nagase unexpectedly dies and meets a man in white who says he's God. He admits he made a mistake and offers to send her to another world to make up for it. In this new world, a goddess named Cel...

6.10 6.57 731

Anne Halford aspires to continue her family legacy of crafting exquisite candies and earn the prestigious title of Silver Sugar Master, a distinction traditionally granted by royalty. To pursue her dr...

6.80 7.70 501

The narrative revolves around a group of Younglings embarking on exciting adventures and commencing their quests to attain the esteemed rank of Jedi Knights. It follows the journey of Younglings as...

5.80 553

Right as he is about to earn a promotion, a salaryman meets an untimely demise. Taking pity, a mysterious being grants him a second life in the land of Galdardia as a teenager. Choosing the name Lucie...

7.60 6.46 426