It is based on the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. This season follows two new characters instead of Ash Ketchum, including Roy, a young man from the Kanto region, and Liko, a young woman from the Paldea...

8.50 7.61 1368

Yuuya Tenjou has spent his entire life being the target of animosity and disdain from those around him, including his parents. Even worse, Yuuya's grandfather, the only person to ever show him affecti...

7.40 7.19 517

Following the passing of her grandfather, 16-year-old Koito Koganei recently assumed the role of miko at the Takamimi Shrine, making her responsible for looking after Elda, the shrine's beautiful agel...

7.50 7.14 495

Krylancelo Finrandi and his foster sister Azalie Cait-Sith were once bright sorcery students at the renowned Tower of Fangs, prodigies in a world of magic and monsters. However, a horribly botched exp...

5.60 6.21 440

Siblings Yuuhi and Yuamu Oudou have begun working for Ultraterrestrial Trouble Solutions, a company that hunts aliens, after inheriting the business from their parents. Even though they have never enc...

5.90 5.75 842

The last thing Subaru Natsuki anticipates when he exits the convenience store is to be uprooted from his normal life and thrust into a fantastical realm. The confused teen's situation is not looking g...

8.10 1318

A single human infant dwells in a city of the dead that has long since been destroyed and is removed from human civilization. Will is being nurtured by three undead: Blood, a brave skeletal warrior; M...

6.70 725

The demon king Anos Voldigoad struck a contract with the human hero Kanon to give his life in order for peace to prevail after 2,000 years of unending battles and conflict. Upon reincarnating 2,000 ye...


Haruto Amakawa, a 20-year-old college student, does not anticipate waking up in the body of Rio, a small kid, after dying in a car accident. Rio discovers he now has magical abilities when their memor...


Modern-day Japan has a child who aspires to be a mastermind who rules covertly, but while he is practicing, he is killed by a truck. In order to avoid standing out and continue his goal of manipulatin...

7.80 8.77 1409

Hajime Nagumo, a student in high school, is harassed by some of his peers because of his friendship with Kaori, the popular student. Hajime only acquires the fundamental alchemical magic to convert so...


Azusa has a torturous existence as an office worker before passing away through overwork. She wakes up in a new world as an immortal, ageless witch and makes the commitment to live as happily and stre...