"Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny" is the sequel to "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED," part of the sprawling Gundam franchise. The series takes place two years after the end of the Bloody Valentine War depicte...

7.10 7.19 536

The first episode of the series takes place in U.C. 0001, at the very beginning of human space colonization, when an anti-federation group destroys Laplace, the Prime Minister of the Federation's resi...

7.70 8.11 500

"Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096" is a re-edited version of the "Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn" original video animation (OVA) series that aired on television. It's set within the Universal Century ti...

7.70 7.60 478

At each of the five Earth-Moon Lagrange points, clusters of space colonies have been established by mankind in the distant future. The United Earth Sphere Alliance is made up of the countries that are...

8.00 7.70 516

"Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz" is a three-episode OVA (original video animation) series that serves as a sequel to the "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing" TV series. It was later compiled into a theat...

7.70 7.74 481

More than 300 years have passed since the calamitous interplanetary conflict known as the "Calamity War" in the year 323 P.D. (Post Disaster). Humans have successfully inhabited and changed the surfac...

7.90 8.04 519

The story takes place in Southeast Asian rainforests in the Universal Century 0079. For control of the region and its resources, the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon are engaged in a bloo...

7.90 8.01 530

The manga's plot and the original series' plot are somewhat similar. The Principality of Zeon and the Earth Federation are engaged in a bloody conflict in the year Universal Century 0079, which is in ...

7.50 8.33 769

The manga's plot and the original series' plot are somewhat similar. The Principality of Zeon and the Earth Federation are engaged in a bloody conflict in the year Universal Century 0079, which is in ...

7.90 8.12 493

Set in the year Universal Century (UC) 0087, eight years after the events of Mobile Suit Gundam (0079), and four years after the events of Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (0083 to 0084) the s...

8.10 7.89 518

The main character of Ballad of a Shinigami is Momo (), a young-appearing girl who is a shinigami, or death deity. Momo is a god of death who guides the spirits of the dead to the other side while wea...

6.30 6.91 495

A little child named Genki enjoys playing video games. He is zapped into the Monster Rancher universe one day, where he meets Holly, a girl, and the monsters Mochi, Suezo, Golem, Tiger, and Hare. They...

7.00 6.80 540