"Love Live! School Idol Project" is a popular musical slice-of-life anime that revolves around a group of high school girls forming an idol group to save their school from shutting down due to a lack ...

7.20 7.41 532

"Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!" (also known as "Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!" in Japanese) is a romantic comedy anime series based on the light novel of the same name. The series follows high...

7.40 7.72 579

"Loveless" is a fantasy and romance anime series based on the manga of the same name. The series involves elements of action, mystery, and explores mature themes within a complex world. The story r...

6.80 6.78 442

A young, misanthropic college student named Yuuhi Amamiya one day awakens to discover a lizard on his bed. The lizard says that Yuuhi has been selected as a Beast Knight, a magical warrior assigned to...

7.00 5.83 888

As a result of a childhood accident that put his life in danger, Shiki Tohno was taken from his family and placed to a relative to raise him. Shiki's father, the head of the Tohno home, passes away ye...

6.90 6.84 616

Every character in Maburaho can utilize magic, although not all characters' magical abilities are equal. Each character in the tale possesses magic to varying degrees and is limited in the amount of t...

6.50 6.75 369

In January 2040, three decades after the end of the Great War between Humans and Zentradi, the United Nations administration is conducting testing on the colony planet Eden to discover new technology ...

7.80 7.71 474

The two leads switch off over the first half of the series. Margaret Burton is a sleepy, clumsy amnesiac residing in Nafrece, a nation modeled after France, while Madlax is one of the most effective s...

7.20 7.03 336

La Metalle's artificial sun, which provides illumination, is on the verge of dying, endangering what little life is still present there. In order for her people to survive, Queen La Andromeda Promethe...

6.40 6.41 467

For the video game Magia Record, there are now two storylines available. The first arc features two concurrent storylines: the Main Story, which centers on Iroha and her interactions with the uwasa an...

6.10 6.79 588

Three eighth-grade girls are highlighted in Magic Knight Rayearth: the clever and ladylike Fuu Hououji, the quick-tempered and no-nonsense only kid Umi Ryuuzaki, and the tomboyish, stubborn, yet short...

7.60 7.46 553

"Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha" is a magical girl anime series that started as a spin-off of the "Triangle Heart" series but has since become a substantial franchise of its own. The story focuses on N...

6.70 7.41 567