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- Food
- Boys Love
Humans and anthropomorphic bears once coexisted. The world's bears, however, experienced an odd reaction to a meteor shower that struck Earth: they all of a sudden became aggressive and ravenous for h...
6.70 7.05 412"Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete," also known as "In Search of the Lost Future," is a romantic drama anime series with elements of science fiction and mystery. The story revolves around a group of high...
6.90 6.74 432"Uta no Prince-sama" is a popular anime series that combines elements of romance, music, and idol culture. The story revolves around a young aspiring composer named Haruka Nanami, who enrolls in the p...
6.50 7.03 402After the events of Mask of Deception, the Yamato Empire is now ruled with an iron fist by a ruthless usurper who seeks to subjugate all before him. It's up to a couple of familiar faces to band toget...
7.20 7.27 429A new period has begun, costing the gods' protection, offering the survivors of humanity a chance to rebuild. After completing their obligations to Taisha, the Hero Club students at Sanshu Middle Scho...
7.30 7.30 431The great Shinju-sama has chosen three ladies to be heros and defend the planet from the foes known as Vertexes, who are destructive beings who pose a threat to its peace and security. Sumi Washio,...
6.90 7.67 418"Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!" is a lighthearted romantic comedy anime series based on the manga of the same name by Take. The story revolves around the daily interactions and humorous antics of the energe...
6.90 7.01 433Yuuna Yuuki, Karin Miyoshi, and the Inubouzaki siblings are the members of Sanshu Middle School's Hero Club, which is back in full swing after fulfilling their destiny after the events of Yuuki Yuuna ...
7.66 414Odin sent Valkyries, famous female warriors from Asgard, the home of the gods, to defend Earth from the demon threat. Nine valkyries posing as the Saotome sisters will have to level up by engaging in ...
5.20 5.90 460The neutral Principality of Gallia is invaded by the Europan Imperial Alliance as part of its westward resource expansion, with the aim of seizing control of its massive Ragnite mines. Because of thei...
7.20 7.58 386