The show, which is set in the 1970s, mostly pays homage to and parodies blaxploitation movies. The series follows the exploits of Black Dynamite, Bullhorn, Cream Corn, and Honey Bee as they get into r...

8.10 317

The majority of the series takes place in Hollywoo (the name is altered after the D is stolen off the sign), which is located in an alternate universe where humans and anthropomorphic animals coexist....

8.80 316

Four young mercenary heroes use the force of their feelings to go beyond space and defend the worlds of cute aliens....

8.10 420

Four strangers from around the world experience a series of apocalyptic visions and attempt to uncover their origin. The story of four strangers from "the quiet corners of the globe" is centered on...

7.60 304

Nikki is forced to work at The Khaki Barn, often known as "KB" for short, where she would not shop herself and has contend with three sexually explicit girls. At a sporting goods store, Jen has discov...

7.50 282

Charlie Brown is afraid he won't win any games after his baseball club loses the first contest of the season. One day on the way to school, Lucy makes the facetious suggestion that Harry participate i...

7.30 431

The European Jews Rina and Mishalli sought safety in the Shanghai Ghetto in the 1940s after fleeing the Nazis in their native Germany. A-Gen was a young Chinese man who made a living by selling bread....

6.10 356

Josh and Emily, a couple in their early 30s, live in a Los Angeles duplex with their young daughter, Candice. Their close friends, Alex and Bridgette, who are divorced, share the space as well. While ...

7.80 369

From ancient times to the era of space colonization, one legend remains constant in every history book—the story of the immortal bird, the Phoenix. This magnificent being is said to possess blood th...


Set several years after the original Ultraman series, Shin Hayata has become a defense minister with no recollection of how he transformed into Ultraman to save the world from Kaijus. Matsushiro Ide, ...

6.80 452

Freelance photographer Kouya Madoka is experiencing a slump for a particular reason. While covering a story at the Fuji International Speedway, he encounters high school F4 racer Haruka Asahina, reign...

7.20 7.41 409

In an effort to forge an alliance between their nations, the Empress of Austria arranges for her charming yet spoiled daughter, Marie Antoinette, to marry France's crown prince, Louis XVI. Upon her ar...