"Lupin III" is a classic action-adventure anime series that has been a staple of Japanese animation since the 1970s. Based on the manga of the same name by Monkey Punch, the series follows the adventu...

7.90 7.64 581

Lupin III chronicles the adventures of Arsene Lupin III, the world's greatest thief, and his partners in crime: master marksman Daisuke Jigen, beautiful and scheming Fujiko Mine and stoic samurai Goem...

7.60 7.30 556

Elves, dwarves, vampires, and other supernatural beings live side by side with humans in peace in Tokyo. Contrary to history, however, strong dragons that once dominated over this globe of creatures a...

6.60 6.60 751

No one is unaware that magic is not real. However, when done by a true professional, magic has the power to astound and astonish its audience. Son of internationally renowned stage magician Touichi Ku...

7.20 7.78 496

The year is 2045, and advances in artificial intelligence have been significant. In an endless fight to maintain their economy, governments utilize them as weapons. Major Motoko Kusanagi is the leader...

6.30 6.59 549

The reputation of Tooru Kirishima is well-known across the criminal underworld. He is best renowned for being "The Demon of Sakuragi," a man who will use force if it is required. In order to teach Too...

7.50 7.77 566

Young Ciel Phantomhive is referred to as "the Queen's Guard Dog," looking after Her Majesty's many unpleasant occurrences in Victorian England. Ciel employs any means required to complete the task wit...

7.70 7.68 424

The only surviving member of a group of warriors from the Spirit World who have the ability to use their blood as weapons is Mirai Kuriyama. Mirai is therefore given the responsibility of locating and...

7.20 7.74 467

The triple agent's life as he tries to balance all of his numerous responsibilities is the subject of the anime adaptation of the spin-off manga Meitantei Conan: Zero no Tea Time. ...

6.50 6.94 578

"Monster" is a psychological thriller anime based on the acclaimed manga series by Naoki Urasawa. The 74-episode anime series aired from 2004 to 2005. The story is set in late 20th century Germany ...

8.70 8.85 443

Two-thirds of humanity have been wiped out by World War III in 2041, and in the newly formed organization, the idea of a deity or other supernatural being is regarded as absurd. The government has est...

6.20 6.52 542

Jing, the legendary King of Bandits, is imprisoned in Seventh Heaven, the most infamous prison complex in the entire globe, together with his bird sidekick Kir. There, they attempt to rob the prisoner...

7.00 7.26 478