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This show is inspired by the popular movie featuring an average guy who discovers an enchanted mask. When he wears the mask, he transforms into a wildly eccentric superhero, fighting crime and creatin...
7.10 7.10 121In "The New Adventures of Batman," the iconic "Dynamic Duo" continues their fight against crime in Gotham City, taking on a mix of classic villains from Batman's rogues gallery alongside some original...
6.90 7.50 130This series delves into the deeper and more intense adventures of Batman, featuring a new Robin who steps into the role with fresh energy and unique challenges. As Batman faces increasingly formidable...
7.30 6.10 121This cartoon features Bruce Willis as the voice of an 11-year-old boy named Bruno, who becomes a top spy for a covert espionage organization called Globe. Unbeknownst to Globe, which contacts Bruno th...
7.60 7.90 111Team Warrior consists of five members, including Maki, the team's leader, who exemplifies a sense of calm, precision, and tactical cleverness. While she doesn't participate in field operations, she sk...
6.40 6.50 141Set shortly after the events of the 2002 film, the story follows Peter Parker and his friends, Mary Jane Watson and Harry Osborn, as they embark on their college journey at Empire State University. Wh...
7.30 6.10 136Welcome to Gotham City, a place where crime reigns and law-abiding citizens live in perpetual fear. Out of tragedy, wealthy socialite Bruce Wayne transforms into something both greater and lesser than...
7.00 341Set in Hollywood in 1947, the story features cartoon characters, known as "toons," who interact with real people and live in the animated district of Toontown. Private detective Eddie Valiant, who onc...
6.40 7.70 138A Chicago police officer discovers a massive green-skinned mutant lying in the street. Suffering from amnesia, the mutant joins the Chicago police force to combat evil mutants led by the enigmatic Ove...
6.10 7.30 123Secret Squirrel, a quirky spy with an overcoat full of gadgets, and his sidekick Morocco Mole were the stars of this NBC cartoon. Secret's boss, Double Q, assigned missions to Secret and Morocco to th...
7.20 7.00 123Sylvester Cat, Tweety Bird, and Hector the Bulldog are the pets of Granny, a kindly matron with a talent for solving mysteries. Granny, akin to Jessica Fletcher, travels the world investigating missin...
6.80 7.50 110