The show centers around four adventurous toddlers: the brave leader Tommy Pickles, who has relocated from Akron, Ohio, to California; the cautious Chuckie Finster, who hesitantly explores the risky ar...

7.30 6.70 102

The storyline follows a cast of vibrant characters, starting with Jim, an ordinary earthworm whose life takes a dramatic turn. Initially, Jim engages in typical earthworm activities, like fleeing from...

7.70 6.60 116

The Brak Show is a whimsical sitcom centered around a neighborhood and a family, exploring the comedic ups and downs that arise when adults have children who attend school. The series features Brak, t...

6.80 6.40 128

After Daria borrows a pencil from Kevin, he mistakenly believes she's trying to flirt with him. When he confronts her about it, Daria decides to play along and pretends to be interested in him, purely...

7.10 7.10 92

Tom finds himself responsible for a priceless magical ring entrusted to him by a young wizard. However, chaos ensues when Jerry accidentally gets the ring stuck on his head and bolts into the city, wi...

7.30 7.30 125

The Berenstain Bears is a 1980s cartoon adaptation of the beloved children's book series. The show centers around the Bear family, featuring Papa Bear, a carpenter who adores his family and often beli...

6.00 6.30 121

The series is inspired by the 2004 film Napoleon Dynamite and follows the quirky adventures of Napoleon and his family and friends as they navigate small-town life in rural Preston, Idaho. The origina...

6.60 6.80 118

The story kicks off with Anakin Skywalker and R2-D2 on a Separatist cruiser, having just completed a critical mission. As they attempt to escape in Anakin's Jedi starfighter, they come under attack fr...

6.60 7.80 121

Out There follows the coming-of-age misadventures of socially awkward Chad, his younger brother Jay, and their best friend Chris as they navigate adolescence in the small town of Holford. Set against ...

6.90 7.40 123

"Bounty Hunters" features the voices of Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, and Larry the Cable Guy as they pursue fugitives for their modest bounty hunting business in the small Southern town of Skeeter Cr...

6.90 6.50 133

(Aa! Megami-sama!: Chichaitte Koto wa Benri da ne) is a delightful collection of shorts featuring the adventures of the Goddesses from the anime and manga series Ah My Goddess. This series is packed w...

6.90 7.50 120

Set in the whimsical fictional city of Cheeseburger Island, the series follows the comedic misadventures of two ducks, Whit and Clay. Alongside their quirky friends—Barf and Dottie, the bumbling Off...

6.70 7.10 116