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The 1989 animated feature was adapted by Disney into a television prequel that sets the stage for the events of the film. It follows a mermaid princess who strikes a Faustian bargain in her quest to b...
7.90 7.20 122The animated series follows a 13-year-old boy named Henry Bigg who discovers mouse-like creatures called Littles in his suitcase while on vacation. The Little family includes parents William and Lucy,...
7.80 7.00 112This show is inspired by the popular movie featuring an average guy who discovers an enchanted mask. When he wears the mask, he transforms into a wildly eccentric superhero, fighting crime and creatin...
7.10 7.10 121The series follows Bessie Higgenbottom, an eager Honeybee girl scout determined to earn every Honeybee badge in her quest to become The Mighty B. Bessie resides in San Francisco with her single mother...
7.50 6.30 117Inspired by the classic children's book series Mr. Men and Little Miss, the show is set in the fictional town of Dillydale on the whimsical continent of Misterland. It follows the characters from the ...
7.80 6.30 114The program features a variety show reminiscent of vaudeville or music hall performances, along with behind-the-scenes insights. Kermit the Frog takes on the role of a showrunner, attempting to manage...
7.00 7.50 132The Muppets make their comeback to prime-time television with a modern, documentary-style series. This show offers a unique glimpse into the Muppets' personal lives and relationships, showcasing their...
7.20 6.70 119The New Three Stooges is a television program that aired from 1965 to 1966, featuring the comedic trio known as the Three Stooges. The show included both live-action and animated segments showcasing t...
7.50 7.90 119Young Zoe lives in the picturesque Grand Mountain National Park, accompanied by her loyal dog, Lassie. With an extraordinary ability to sense human emotions without needing to be told, Lassie proves t...
6.50 6.50 115Lucky Luke is the legendary cowboy known for shooting faster than his own shadow. Accompanied by his clever horse, Jolly Jumper, who is renowned as the world's smartest horse, and occasionally joined ...
7.70 7.70 117These new episodes feature the classic cast of "The Flintstones," showcasing Fred and Barney's children, Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm, as adorable toddlers. Having previously been depicted as teenagers, this...
7.60 6.70 108In this lively show, Mr. Peabody and his son Sherman host a live TV variety program from their Manhattan penthouse, inviting a range of historical figures as guests who arrive via their WABAC time mac...
6.20 6.60 125