Five kids get weird text messages that direct them to a train that brings them to a strange place called the "Digital World," where bizarre monsters known as "Digimon" abound. These kids have been bro...

6.70 7.15 537

Taiki Kud, a cheerful seventh-grader who often lends a hand to those in need, meets Shoutmon, a Digimon who transports him and his pals to the Digital World. Together, he creates Team Xros Heart with ...

7.10 6.67 658

Takato Matsuda is a passionate fan of Digimon who is particularly fixated on the card game and daydreams about the universe contained therein all the time. He discovers a weird blue card one day and u...

7.60 7.63 530

With the exception of her unique and occasionally unsettling abilities, Naoko Watanabe is a typical preteen girl in the comedy series, which is set in Japan. She transforms into Gauko, the fire-breath...

7.00 6.26 533

When the two were joined up under the codename "Lovely Angels," Kei and Yuri were initially junior auxiliary agents in the Worlds Works and Welfare Agency (W.W.W.A. or 3WA for short). In addition to t...

6.80 6.62 555

When the two were joined up under the codename "Lovely Angels," Kei and Yuri were initially junior auxiliary agents in the Worlds Works and Welfare Agency (W.W.W.A. or 3WA for short). In addition to t...

7.00 7.11 513

Based on the video game Disgaea ...

6.20 6.72 381

In the future, "inflation gates" that pass via a parallel reality are used for interstellar travel. Unfortunately, "ghouls," inhabitants of a different universe, wish to enter ours through the same po...

5.90 5.93 530

In order to alter the course of history, Karin, a DNA operator from the future, must prevent Junta Momonari from becoming the Mega-Playboy, who fathered 100 children and contributed to global overpopu...

6.50 6.65 299

The main character of Dog & Scissors is a high school student named Kazuhito Harumi, who is a bookworm. He is shot and killed one day while reading at a cafe as he tries to save an unidentified strang...

6.10 6.55 523

A 27-year-old teacher who is extremely small finds it amusing to try and educate her class. Over the course of the academic year, she must deal with the eccentricities that her students exhibit. What ...

6.80 6.67 475

Dokkoida?! is an anime series based on the light novel "Sumeba Miyako no Cosmos-sou Suttoko Taisen Dokkoida" by Taro Achi. The story revolves around a regular guy named Suzuo Sakurazaki who ends up be...

7.40 6.81 469