In the first episode of the series, a mysterious phenomena known as a "spatial quake" devastates the heart of Eurasia and kills at least 150 million people. Smaller spatial quakes will continue to sha...

6.90 7.17 542

High school student Ikuhara Takeya lives a regular lifestyle. He is unconcerned with the uproar around a UFO that crashed on earth last year and was populated by attractive alien women. The DearS alie...

6.10 6.57 368

Suzuki Ichirou, a 29-year-old programmer, is thrown straight into a fantasy role-playing game. He plays the role of Satou, a 15-year-old in the game. He initially believes he is dreaming, but his expe...

6.60 6.47 570

Akuto Sai is the protagonist of this tale of "love, magic, and conflicts." He aspires to join his nation's highest order of magicians and serve the community as one of its clergy. His aptitude test in...

6.60 6.77 587

Yuuko Okonogi relocates with her family to Daikoku City, the technical hub of the growing half-virtual world, eleven years after the launch of internet-connected, augmented reality eyewear and visors....

7.80 8.06 628

Life is filled with paperwork and crime even after death. Tsuzuki Asato, a 26-year-old dorky and cheerful shinigami (god of death), is in charge of making sure that the dead stay dead and remain in th...

7.20 7.04 564

Japan has been transformed to a desert as a result of an implied global nuclear catastrophe ("The Great Kanto Desert"), and the humans who have survived look for a fragile life among the burning sands...

7.20 7.40 498

The Mano family has been annihilating demons for ages. Yohko's grandmother, Madoka, is the 107th Devil Hunter, and Yohko's mother, Sayoko, would have been the 108th if it hadn't been for a little snag...

6.40 6.23 571

Hina Tsurugi and her family recently relocated to a peaceful seaside town. Hina, who is trying to enjoy the serene seaside view, meets Yuuki Kuroiwa, an upperclassman at her new school, who offers Hin...

7.20 7.41 512

Misato Kurihara has lived without the pleasure of having close friends or the experience of leading a routine life because she has stood out from others for the most of her life due to her extraordina...

6.50 6.80 529

Seven children are taken to the Digital World, a mysterious location inhabited by digital monsters known as "Digimon." Soon after, a group of Digimon make friends with them and protect the children fr...

7.80 7.77 636

Masaru, a second-year junior high student who has never lost a fight, encounters the Digital Monster Agumon after it escaped from the secret government agency DATS. Despite unimpressive first impressi...

6.60 6.95 535