**Ninja Express** is an animated children's series that follows a group of quirky ninjas on exciting delivery missions. The ninjas work for a mysterious delivery service and are tasked with transporti...

7.30 19

Pacific Heat is a satire of cop shows, following an elite unit who take on crime on Queensland’s Gold Coast. ...

5.80 5.90 17

A year after Ozzy and Drix defeated Thrax and saved Frank from dying in Osmosis Jones, Ozzy and Drix chase a scarlet fever bacterium (possibly thanks to Frank resuming his poor eating habits). During ...

6.90 7.10 22

Animated series about bad cops. Not bad as in corrupt, bad as in under-performing. They aren't first responders, they are the worst responders. ...

6.80 6.90 14

In 1904, author and playwright J.M. Barrie created a character destined to be beloved by generations of theater and filmgoers: Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up. The well-known story depicts ho...

7.20 7.30 16

Brings to life the most incredible creatures that ever existed. From Spinosaurus, the biggest killer to ever walk the Earth, to the immense sea-monster Predator X, and the deadly cannibalistic Majunas...

8.10 8.20 28

Pocahontas embarks on a journey around America, where she visits the various Native tribes, learns their different ways, and shares with them her life lessons. ...

6.90 7.00 16

In the near future, high-tech AI toy cars for kids, Watch-Cars, are created. In burst enthusiasm, a battle tournament is formed, the Watch Car Battle League. As the undefeated champion, Kai remains a ...

8.40 8.50 18

There’s a new team of secret heroes in town and their the least likely of champions – toys! Brought to life by a hopeful child, this little problem solvers bring all the fun of Mission Impossible ...

4.90 5.00 15

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is a long-running American children's television series adapted from the Japanese tokusatsu Super Sentai Series. A team of five high school students are selected by Zordon...

6.60 6.70 20

Ace and Polly are just your ordinary pet birds by day and amazing superheroes, well, also by day! Join them as they go on epic adventures to save their city from the wackiest animal bad guys! ...

7.20 7.30 12

Planet 55 Studios is excited to announce that we are producing a 26 part science fiction action adventure show “Prisoner Zero” for ABC3. Prisoner Zero is a fast-paced, animated sci-fi, action-adve...

8.00 8.10 17