An action-adventure comedy that follows the adventures of feisty and resourceful 10-year-old Molly Mabray, an Alaska Native girl, her dog Suki, and friends Tooey and Trini on their adventures in epica...

8.80 406

The golden age has dawned for treasure hunters, who raid treasure vaults all over the world in search of glory, despite the dangers. Immeasurable wealth, fame, and power await those who prevail. "L...


After receiving a text message offering to fulfill any of his wishes, high school student Gorou Ono successfully enacts his perverted fantasies with classmate Sawa Honoka. However, to his dismay, the ...

5.78 222

A strange hot spring resort has suddenly sprung up in Orario. Since it appeared, people visited there daily to relieve stress and daily. Of course, Bell and the other faces of the Hestia Familia were ...

6.54 7.90 221

"Magical Girl"—A profession that undertakes the work of exterminating a kind of natural disaster called "Kaii." Kana Sakuragi, a female college student who struggles with job hunting, is picked up b...

5.23 7.14 135

Long ago, alien lifeforms came to Earth, fusing with people on the planet. Due to their appearance, they were dubbed "Mecha-ude," as when fused, they bore a striking resemblance to mechanized limbs. ...

6.78 7.22 113

The Demon Lord continues his adventure in this revamped series! After encountering the mysterious entity in the lowest level of the Bastille Dungeon, he sets out for Hellion Territory, where Grand Dev...

6.45 5.93 107

Soun Tendou runs the Tendou Martial Arts School accompanied by his three daughters: Akane, Nabiki, and Kasumi. One day, the sisters' lives are turned upside down when their father announces that he ha...

6.99 7.88 219

A healer gets booted from his party because the leader notices he isn't really contributing much to the team. Soon enough, the healer must look for new members to party with. After finding a cute mart...

5.66 6.17 201

Rumors stir throughout the land: when the wielder of the black sword draws his dark blade, all who stand in its path are torn asunder...! Köinzell, the mysterious young boy who carries the black swor...

6.45 6.89 208

The story centers on Tsukasa, a normal salaryman who is attacked one night by demons, and is saved by a genius kunoichi named Shizuri. In her off time though, Shizuri is a lazy otaku NEET. Tsukasa and...