Cow and Chicken are siblings with human parents whose faces are never shown in the series. Initially, in the pilot episode "No Smoking," their parents' bodies are depicted without upper halves. In the...

7.40 7.40 146

"Godzilla: The Series" is an American animated TV show that aired on Fox Kids starting September 12, 1998. It continues directly from the 1998 American Godzilla film, with Malcolm Danare, Kevin Dunn, ...

7.40 6.70 166

Will Serfort dreams of fulfilling a promise to a childhood friend by becoming a Magia Vander, a prestigious magician at the Wizard's Tower. Unfortunately, he struggles with even the most basic spells,...

7.44 8.12 297

Spoiled harvest goddess Sakuna is exiled from her luxurious celestial home to a demon-infested island. Stripped of her former comforts, she must reclaim her heritage as both a warrior and a harvest go...

6.12 6.66 221

Ja Wangnan is stuck on the 20th floor, unable to progress despite numerous attempts. His determination never wavers, and he continues to strive for success. Along his journey, he encounters a formidab...

7.11 7.55 360

Second season of Youjo Senki. ...


Second season of Jigokuraku. ...


Second season of Ore dake Level Up na Ken. ...


Kaito Takagi, an average high school student, leads a quiet life by day and explores dungeons in Japan by night, earning extra cash by hunting slimes. He secretly admires his childhood friend, the mos...

5.13 6.21 241

In a world populated by anthropomorphic animals, Belle Lablac is unique as the sole human among them. Lacking the fangs, fur, or scales that define the inhabitants, she is labeled "Faceless" and lives...


In a world where humans once triumphed in a great war, Kai serves as the guardian of sealed crypts holding their vanquished enemies. However, when “World Rebirth” alters history, Kai finds himself...

8.30 8.40 324

Kite Man, a minor villain in Gotham, dives into a series of criminal escapades to realize his dream of owning Noonan's, Gotham's grittiest dive bar. Juggling his various heists and schemes with his am...

7.30 318