Iron Man: Armored Adventures is a 3D animated series based on the Marvel Comics superhero Iron Man. It premiered in 2009 and follows the adventures of Tony Stark, who becomes Iron Man. The series is p...

6.50 147

Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a 3D animated series set during the period between Star Wars Episodes II and III. It follows the events of the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the...

8.40 133

The story begins with a mysterious explosion at the Xavier mansion, targeting telepaths like Professor X and Jean Grey. This event leads to the disbandment of the X-Men team due to the trauma and loss...

8.00 138

Seven children are mysteriously transported to the Digital World, a realm inhabited by digital creatures called Digimon. They form friendships with a group of Digimon who protect them from harm. The c...

7.40 151

In a more serious retelling of The Nuku-Nuku Story, Nuku-Nuku, the creation of Professor Higuchi, finds herself entangled in a sinister plot by Mishima Industries to dominate the world. Nuku-Nuku must...

7.60 6.55 161

As a Goddess Pilot, I'm part of a group of elite pilots who defend humanity against alien threats. Our lives revolve around our missions, training, and the constant danger we face. We experience the c...

5.77 6.33 138

The first season of the series introduces the main characters and sets the stage for future storylines. The original X-Men team consists of Professor X, Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, and Jean Grey. New m...

7.80 167

The slapstick romantic comedy follows Yūto Amakawa, a normal 16-year-old high school boy. He is protected by Himari, a beautiful, sword-wielding cat girl spirit. Yūto's family has a long history of ...

6.77 6.83 191

Jackie Chan, an amateur archaeologist, discovers a magical artifact while working at his uncle's antique shop. This artifact, a shield containing one of twelve talismans, attracts the attention of his...


For centuries, five supernatural factions have been engaged in a conflict, anticipating the arrival of the Aquarian Age. Kyouta starts experiencing visions of mystical girls fighting, unaware that the...

7.21 6.06 172

In the distant future, humanity is losing a war against an alien race called the Glorft. As a last resort, the human resistance steals a powerful robot prototype and modifies it into Megas, a giant ro...

8.20 191

Before the series began, the evil Doctor Doom sought to obtain the Infinity Sword, a powerful artifact capable of bending reality. Iron Man thwarted his attempt, but the resulting battle caused the sw...

6.10 166