Once again, Ben Tennyson, who is now fifteen years old, is called upon to use his powerful Omnitrix device to help find his missing grandfather, Max. Along with his cousin Gwen and his former enemy Ke...
7.30 425Ben 10 is a successful franchise that features a young hero named Ben Tennyson, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max on a road trip across the country during summer vacation. Ben discovers the Omnitrix, a...
2.90 362The show centers around a teenage boy named Ben Tennyson, who possesses the Omnitrix, a potent watch-like device that enables him to transform into a variety of alien beings, each with its own unique ...
7.70 358The show is about Ben Tennyson, a sixteen-year-old boy who has a powerful device called the Omnitrix, which is like a watch and lets him transform into different aliens, each with their own unique abi...
6.20 344The TV series takes place in a hidden kingdom surrounded by thorny brambles. The kingdom is ruled by King and Queen Thistle, who reside in the Little Castle with their three daughters - Princess Holly...
7.40 306The girls' cover as ordinary schoolgirls is often put to the test as they must balance their spy missions with their everyday lives, including school, family, and friends. They rely on their individua...
8.10 404The three Bug friends find themselves in a vibrant and thrilling new city that surpasses any place they have ever been to before. Though it's just a rundown motel, from their perspective, it appears t...
7.80 388In Gotham City during Bruce Wayne (voiced by Anthony Ruivivar)'s early years as the Batman, following his initial period of battling organized crime. Over the course of the series, he hones his combat...
7.30 527Bill Green, along with his two children, Cricket and Tilly, loses his farm in the town of Smalton and moves in with his mother Alice Green (Gramma) who lives in a small farm in the middle of Big City....
7.40 587The series takes place after the events of the film Big Hero 6 (2014) and follows the exploits of 14-year-old tech genius Hiro Hamada and his kind, cutting-edge robot Baymax, which was created by his ...
7.20 308