The original shorts from KaBlam are combined into a 30-minute presentation that is thematically related to one another. The show follows four superheroes, who are action figures, on stopping evil. Th...
8.10 333The Action Pack, a group of four aspiring superheroes who are mentored by their teacher Mr. Ernesto and his robot dog Plunky, are the focus of the television show....
6.60 347The story of Adventure Time centers on a young kid named Finn the Human (Jeremy Shada), who has magical abilities to change his size at will, and his best friend and adopted brother Jake the Dog (John...
8.60 1203The interaction between sports and technology in the twenty-first century is rapidly approaching the point where human testing alone cannot keep up with the widely varying requirements. People start l...
7.10 335In the Akedo Championships, Jet, Bria, and Cub are determined to go down in history. To achieve their objective, they make every effort to level up their skills....
8.50 342a once-weekly half-hour topical cartoon program set in a newsroom on another planet. The Humans of Planet Earth are the most fascinating and perplexing creatures in the cosmos, and Drexx Drudlarr and ...
6.40 353Three chipmunk brothers, Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. The trio have been adopted by and are living with Dave (human). Each show finds the boys getting into trouble and new and unusual situations. ...
6.60 427A single father named David Seville is raising three Chipmunks in this animated comedy sitcom. Sometimes he can become impatient and yell "ALVINNN!!! " Every episode includes a song. The show is set i...
4.50 494This animated comedy, which is set in the New York City borough of Manhattan, centers on a Chinese-American child named Jake Long (voiced by Dante Basco), who must strike a balance between normal adol...
6.60 345