Chima is a land where anthropomorphic humanoids lived in peace with one another until heavily armed barbarian species caused a civil war with five factions formed: Lion, Eagle, Raven, Wolf, and Crocod...
6.80 7.90 108When battling rogue black holes, vengeful aliens, criminal masterminds, and rifts in the evil dimension, the universe turns to its bravest and brightest to save the day. When those guys are busy, howe...
7.70 7.80 110A young boy,Timmy Turner, has two fairy godparents, Cosmo and Wanda, who grant his every wish, inadvertently causing problems that Timmy must fix. In the beginning of the series, Timmy's babysitter Vi...
6.90 6.60 154The show follows the antics of the title characters, a human boy named Sanjay and his best friend, a talking snake named Craig. On a promotional webpage for the show, the network explains that Sanjay ...
7.90 7.90 119A charismatic 15-year-old, Dan Zembrosky, from the bizarre town of Iron Bay suddenly receives strange, cryptic packages from an evil alien planet. The packages arrive in various forms and Dan and his ...
6.30 7.90 123A fantasy-action-adventure series which follows the adventures of Peter Pan, his best friend Tinkerbell, Wendy, her brothers John and Michael, and their dog Newfie in Neverland and beyond. The series...
6.00 6.70 123Based on the promotional image, the series will contain the characters Green Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Skaar, and A-Bomb....
6.10 6.60 117The series follows Wander, an overly-optimistic intergalactic traveler and his steed Sylvia traveling from planet to planet helping people have fun and live free, all against Lord Hater and his army o...
6.50 6.60 121The series revolves around Flapjack and Cap'n K'nuckles. Flapjack is a young boy raised by a talking whale named Bubbie. Flapjack leads a peaceful life until the duo rescues a pirate by the name of Ca...
7.80 7.40 120It takes place sometime after its predecessor. Four new Shen Gong Wu, like in the first series' first season will have been activated, forcing the four Xiaolin Dragons to split up once again and find ...
7.70 6.90 112Matt Hatter's family live in the Coronet, a small theater where the monster villians originally escaped. He lives with his mum, dad and mini Trandoshan devil, Marlin. His dad is an inventor, but his i...
7.50 7.50 122The series tells the story of young teenager named Sabrina. Since she was born half-witch and half-human, she lives a dual life as a normal high school student and the other as a sorcery student in th...
7.40 6.80 102