Mike Tyson Mysteries is a television show in which retired boxer Mike Tyson leads a gang of mystery-solvers including an Asian teenage girl who is also Tyson’s foster daughter, a ghost, and an anthr...
6.10 7.20 137The TV series is an ensemble comedy revolving around Sonic and his friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks that pokes fun at action-adventure storytelling, but still manages to deliver plenty of adren...
6.90 7.90 136The series follows the exploits of recent New Jersey transplant Mondo and his new best friend Woodie as they live their life in Playa Del Toro, a fictional Southern California beach town....
6.60 6.80 114A teenage blacksmith named Kai who lives with his sister Nya. Kai works as a blacksmith to sell them as armor. The Skeleton Army comes and prepares to attack the Japanese village. The leader is Samuka...
7.00 7.40 135The show follows the adventures of stepbrothers Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher, who live in the fictional town of Danville, somewhere in the Tri-State area. Their older sister, Candace Flynn, is obse...
6.70 7.60 125During their fight against the Foot Clan, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles meet a new turtle named Venus de Milo who uses her skills to defeat Shredder and disband the Foot Clan. Afterward, she helps ...
6.10 7.00 117Four ninja turtles, mutated by a mysterious alien substance, must rise up out of the sewers and defend their city against evil forces from both the past and present....
6.30 7.60 252When ten-year old Coop Burtonburger’s spoiled 8-year-old sister Millie (who turns 9 in season 2 and would turn 10 in season 3), brings home a mysterious stray cat, Coop's idyllic life is turned upsi...
6.30 6.20 100The series is set in the Big City, a city modeled after New York City. The story follows Blythe Baxter and her father as they move into a Big City apartment above the Littlest Pet Shop - a day-camp fo...
7.10 7.30 123Sofia the first follows the story of an ordinary young girl who becomes a princess when her mother marries the King of Enchancia. She must learn how to act like a proper princess while overcoming her ...
8.00 6.30 139