Golden Darkness, a cold-blooded assassin who can shift, comes back to delve deeper into the mysteries of her new existence as a dark Nemesis manipulates Mea, her younger sister, from the shadows. This...
7.00 7.45 452In 1013 AD, the young Thorfinn works for Askeladd in the hopes of challenging him to a fight and killing him in retaliation for their attack on him in 1002 AD while traveling to England, which resulte...
8.80 8.73 612A million tons of stone and iron are weighing down Evil Town, burying it beneath a darkness and vermin-filled hell. Control of Evil Town has been divided into three warring sections: the corrupt secti...
5.60 5.55 465It is cast to Earth to be seen from a distance as an Orb. It can take on the forms of the creatures whose reflections it records, transforming first into a rock and then, as the temperature rises, int...
8.50 8.38 486Tokyo is under attack from a hideous threat: flesh-eating "ghouls" who look like people and mix in with the local populace. Ken Kaneki, a reserved college student, hides his head in his books and stay...
7.80 7.79 454Ken Kaneki, who has long feared and detested the horrible, flesh-craving aspect of himself, has now come to terms with it. After escaping from captivity and torture, Kaneki joins Aogiri Tree, the extr...
7.60 7.03 457Violet will never forget some of the words she overheard on the battlefield. More than anybody else, someone she considers dear gave her these words. She is still unsure of what they imply. On the con...
8.40 8.67 678One of the few organizations still in existence that can offer law enforcement and self-defense protection for cities that are trying to rebuild from the war and the floods is the various PMCs. With t...
7.00 6.71 589