The story of Venus Versus Virus centers on two teenage girls named Sumire Takahana and Lucia Nahashi. Sumire and Lucia first came into contact when Sumire learned of Lucia's mysterious past as a membe...

5.80 6.35 443

The son of a wealthy businessman in Albuquerque, Philip "Philly" Fillmore (Eric Brown), 15, is a daring high school student. His father has left town for a lengthy trip over the summer, leaving the yo...

5.20 5.20 479

Young Nanami Simpson is a woman. She moves in with her father, Scott Simpson, on board the Peperonchino, a maritime research vessel, after losing her mother when she is still a little child. The lumin...

7.80 7.42 454

Vicky, the son of Halvar, the leader of the Viking village of Flake, serves as the series' central figure. Vicky, who differs from his village brethren and most other lads his age in having a keen and...

7.10 6.64 872

Six billion people died as a result of the "Hammer of Eden" disaster, which also flooded 90% of the earth. 14 years later, the New United Nations was established to work toward peace on the devastated...

6.60 6.63 449

A humorous adventure from the creators of Gatchaman and Speed Racer! Who is capable of being the worst of the worst? Teams of bad guys compete to be the cruelest villains ever as it's evil vs. evil...

6.80 6.04 443

The plot begins when Yota Moteuchi learns that Takashi Niimai, his best friend, is in love with Moemi Hayakawa, the girl he likes. Due to his disappointment, he chooses to rent a movie from the enigma...

7.50 7.20 482

Mutsu Enmei-Ryu, an unarmed style that enables the user to defeat any number of armed opponents utilizing extraordinary speed and strength, is said to be an indestructible martial art. This is the tal...

7.50 7.56 448

Akari and Hiroyuki have been friends for as long as she can remember. Her sentiments have evolved into something more as time passes, though, and everything changes. Will the two old pals get along be...

6.80 6.58 436

Rito Yuuki, 16, is a shy boy who hasn't declared his love for Haruna Sairenji, a classmate who has captured his attention since junior high. Unfortunately, his predicament worsens when, one night, a m...

6.40 7.00 443

The following is a list of episodes for the anime series Viewtiful Joe. The series was directed by Takaaki Ishiyama and produced by Group TAC, and ran for fifty-one episodes on Japan’s TV Tokyo from...

6.70 6.74 446

The situation spirals even further out of control as close encounters of the twisted kind between the inhabitants of the planet Develuke (represented primarily by the female members of the royal famil...

7.00 7.44 444