When Yomogi Asanaka meets Gauma, a young guy claiming to be a "Kaiju User," he is simply an ordinary high school student. When a Kaiju attacks the city, Gauma sends the enormous robot Dynazenon to com...

6.70 7.42 406

The main character of the tale is Yta Hibiki, a first-year high school student with amnesia who lives in the hypothetical Japanese city of Tsutsujidai. He encounters the Hyper Agent Gridman in an old ...

7.00 7.13 445

The heroine, also known as Matori, is a brand-new officer who reports to the Ministry of Health's Narcotics Control Department. As the novel opens, she has just joined the department and is collaborat...

7.00 5.75 465

Gamilas, an alien race, first contacted Earth in 2191. When the first attempt at peaceful communication with the Gamilas was unsuccessful, intergalactic conflict ensued. Even though it was outmatched ...

8.20 8.34 449

The son of the ship's commander and a crew member on the starship Calnus, Claude C. Kenni, is sent to Expel, a backward planet with swords and sorcery. In order to look into the Sorcery Globe, a meteo...

6.80 429

A new, varied viewpoint on Star Wars is provided by the animated shorts in the collection Star Wars: Visions, which are presented "through the prism of the world's top anime producers." The films, wh...

7.00 7.14 583

The teen adolescence narrative centers on the maturation of boys in a soft tennis club at a junior high school that is about to disband. Touma Shinjou announces a summer competition and begs Maki Kats...

7.40 7.59 493

In the year 2999 AD, two factions—TERRA and NESS—are fighting it out in space for control of worlds. They engage in combat using spacecraft that, when destroyed, transfer their pilots back to the ...

6.50 6.05 459

The 73rd class of the Defense University of the Planet Kibi is called Starship Operators. After the Amaterasu's maiden trip, they discover that one of the Henrietta region's superpowers, Henrietta All...

7.80 6.98 417

Coal is the sole fuel available in Steam City, and the steam engine is the only way to generate electricity there. The steam engine has been the center of technical development because it is the only ...

6.40 6.62 477

Nakahito Kagura, a little child, is the protagonist of the tale. A bunch of his peers pressure him to enter a home that is thought to be the residence of a mad scientist. He discovers what appears to ...

6.70 6.74 487

Nako Kagura, who is the great-granddaughter of the main character from the previous series, is introduced as a high school student and budding singer who also has the chance to learn about Kurumi and ...

6.67 580