Chihiro Komiya, an orphaned fourth-grader in elementary school, is left without any close family members or even a home to live after the untimely death of his mother. All of this changes when Chihiro...
7.10 7.29 496Abe no Masahiro, the grandson of the legendary onmyji Abe no Seimei, who imparted his lessons to his grandson, serves as the series' main character. It is set in the Heian period. Masahiro, regrettabl...
7.10 7.56 502The Revue Starlight franchise consists of stage musicals, a musical animated series, musical films, and a mobile game, each of which tells unique, interconnected tales about the development, training,...
7.40 7.65 471A kitty girl wearing gothic lolita clothing named Cyan is scouted by Maple Arisugawa, the president of a music agency. From there, she meets Chuchu (a pun off of the sound that rabbits make) the honor...
6.80 7.03 406A kitty girl wearing gothic lolita clothing named Cyan is scouted by Maple Arisugawa, the president of a music agency. From there, she meets Chuchu (a pun off of the sound that rabbits make) the honor...
6.80 7.04 445A kitty girl wearing gothic lolita clothing named Cyan is scouted by Maple Arisugawa, the president of a music agency. From there, she meets Chuchu (a pun off of the sound that rabbits make) the honor...
8.40 7.00 486A kitty girl wearing gothic lolita clothing named Cyan is scouted by Maple Arisugawa, the president of a music agency. From there, she meets Chuchu (a pun off of the sound that rabbits make) the honor...
6.80 6.45 469Tadahiro Amatsu has had brown and light hazel eyes alternately since he was a little child. But the masked sorcerer Ayatara Miramune and his gang of demons have turned him into a target because of a s...
6.30 6.11 478Ryuichiro Shiba, a writer and artist, is in a temple with his wife Kyoko to make a marriage vow to their ancestors. However, two oni suddenly materialize in front of them and begin fighting, one of th...
5.90 5.70 453A scheme to open a gate between Earth and the world of Nemesis was put into motion in 1999 by Gigelf Liqueur with assistance from the Magician's Guild. The goal was to exchange Earth's contaminated ai...
6.70 6.78 492After graduating from college, Rikuo Uozumi has all but given up hope of a bright future and is now working aimlessly at a convenience store in Tokyo. His routine existence is disturbed when the odd H...
6.90 6.89 428