Nuke, a mundane city elephant with a monotonous desk job, longs for thrilling space escapades. Joining forces with the daring space squirrel Squeeze Whistle, they embark on a hair-raising adventure to...

2.40 239

Zootopia, a bustling city inhabited by diverse animals, is a mammal metropolis. Judy Hopps, the first rabbit to join the police force, faces challenges in enforcing the law. Eager to prove herself, Ju...

8.00 204

Natsuki Enomoto, a third-year student at Sakuragaoka High School, harbors unrequited feelings for her childhood friend, Yuu Setoguchi. Unable to be honest about her emotions, Natsuki tells Yuu she is ...

6.50 245

The city of Zentrix is a utopia thanks to the supercomputer Omicronpsy, created by Emperor Jarad. But Omicronpsy turns against Jarad and takes control of the city. Jarad and Dr. Roark are lost in time...

8.30 128

The show follows three kids who gain powers after being exposed to Zevo compound during an experiment conducted by the evil Dr. Stankfoot. Together, they combat mutant monsters that emerge while navig...

6.00 121

(English : Leviathan: The Last Defense) Based on the Gree mobile social game of the same name. Aquafall is a world abound with water and greenery, and populated by dragons and fairies. Meteorites s...

7.50 6.50 110

Zack & Quack follows the adventures of a dynamic and adventurous boy named Zack and his best friend, an impulsive young duck called Quack....

7.40 6.40 128

Zeke Palmer is an imaginative artist and skateboarder who lives with a weird and wacky family. His Pad is an amazing electronic gadget that is a mobile phone, PDA, GPS, MP3 player and a drawing tablet...

7.20 7.50 122

The animated adventures of the blundering crime fighter, Zeroman, voiced by Leslie Nielsen....

7.90 6.80 78

Parents need to know that Zig & Sharko is a silent animated series from France with a lot of cartoon-style violence -- explosions, crashes, extensive falls, etc. -- that's meant to be funny rather...

6.30 7.90 116

Washington the fox, Sam the wild boar and Eugenie, Sam's little sister, and Suzie the black bird are tired of living paw-to-mouth in the wilderness. They crave the creature comforts only the suburbs c...

7.30 7.80 106

Two brothers discover an alien girl called Zixx Punkee Zee and help her get past level one of a game. When Zixx finishes all three levels she will have achieved her mission and be able to go back to h...

7.10 7.80 126