The popular Yutaka Hara children's books of the same name served as the inspiration for Kaiketsu Zorori, which recounts the exploits of a cunning fox named Zorori who aspires to rule mischief with his...
7.90 7.05 651"Z/X: Code Reunion" is an action-packed sci-fi anime set in a world devastated by a cataclysmic event known as the "Black Point." The story revolves around Azumi Kagamihara, a high school student who ...
6.10 5.78 401High school teacher Nozomu Itoshiki has such a negative outlook on life that even the tiniest setback can send him spiraling into an uncontrollable state of despair. Some of these "catastrophes" even ...
7.90 7.77 508Hinaria plays games every day while unemployed. She decides to hack the Beholder Group's systems one day in order to get some money, and while doing so, she discovers a meticulously guarded record of ...
7.90 5.92 519It is discovered that the Armanoid aliens, who intend to invade Earth, are responsible for a string of space mishaps. At the Future Science Invention Center, Professor Tachibana gathers his staff arou...
4.20 6.19 458The plot takes place in a not too distant future. Around the globe, five "Black Points" that served as portals to other dimensions suddenly arose. Then bizarre monsters started to invade from these ga...
5.90 6.49 507Arashi and his Wild Liger are the subjects of the show. The Death Metal Empire, led by Gallagher, is the primary enemy. They have countless Zoids and warriors at their disposal, including the Four Hea...
6.80 6.24 475Arashi and his Wild Liger are the subjects of the show. The Death Metal Empire, led by Gallagher, is the primary enemy. They have countless Zoids and warriors at their disposal, including the Four Hea...
512Earth became uninhabitable in the 21st century, and people began migrating in large numbers to Planet Zi, which is the natural habitat of metallic life forms known as Zoids. Zi is nearing its end many...
5.90 491Zi has been devastated by natural disasters, which have wiped out practically all life. After a millennium, mankind have steadily rebuilt society while recovering antiquated Zoids through mining and d...
7.90 7.19 494The end of Koyomi Araragi's strange high school career, which was marked by odd associations with supernatural beings, is finally here with graduation day. The arrogant Karen Araragi is shorter than ...
8.00 8.45 547Do you know when you'll pass away? Michiru Kita can tell how close someone is to passing away by the color of a "ring of death" she can see around her on their necks. One day, she discovers that Sh...
6.10 6.84 354