Follows Jimmy Neutron, his faithful robotic dog, Goddard, and his eclectic friends and family as they experience life in Retroville. Jimmy is a typical kid, who just happens to be a genius. He creates...
6.70 7.60 13910 years after the Great Tokyo War, each prefectures in Japan had split up into independent nations. Each nations are ruled by a prophet called "Mosa" and an army called "Mob" as they start to compete...
6.90 6.50 110Years after the events of Predacons Rising, Bumblebee is summoned back to Earth to battle several of Cybertron's most wanted Decepticons that escaped from a crashed prison ship Alchemor and assembles ...
6.00 6.20 111A girl aiming to become an idol named Uzuki Shimamura is informed that she has been accepted into the Cinderella Project, a new project that collects girls and polishes them to become idols. After mee...
7.20 6.10 108Remake of the hit 1960's television show. In the 21st century, Jeff Tracy, a former astronaut, amasses a colossal fortune and decides that he must use it to benefit others. His answer to this desire i...
6.70 6.90 100This popular series follows the adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine and all of his engine friends on the Island of Sodor....
7.50 6.10 115Arslan is the heir apparent of Pars, a strong nation that sits at the hear of the trade route connecting the East and the West. When the pagan nation of Lusitania begins an invasion of Pars, the timid...
6.80 6.50 110The Mystery Inc. gang investigate more supernatural sightings with various guest stars and characters....
6.40 7.00 119(French: Les Grandes Grandes Vacances ) The Long Long Holiday recounts the daily life of 2 kids brother and sister, who are left by their parents at their grandparents’ house near the Normandy co...
6.70 7.80 109The adventures of Mowgli, a human foundling raised by Aela's wolves pack, and his best friends, fatherly panther Bagheera and playful bear Baloo, in the Indian jungle, where many dangers lurk, such as...
6.40 6.10 112Set in a whimsical land where a small blue fox named Fig plays each day and discovers adventure, friendship and love around every bend in the path. Children will be enriched by these narratives that p...
8.00 7.00 114