The Zeta Project follows Zeta and Ro as they try to prove Zeta's peaceful nature. The NSA agents believe terrorists reprogrammed Zeta. Zeta and Ro search for Zeta's creator, Dr. Selig, to prove his in...
7.00 7.30 163The Saturday family, consisting of Zak, Doc, and Drew, is a group of world-saving scientists known as "The Secret Saturdays." They are part of a secret organization called The Secret Scientists who pr...
6.40 7.80 179The American animated series "The Venture Bros." premiered on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim in 2003. It combines action and comedy as it follows the misadventures of the Venture family. The family incl...
7.80 6.70 184In the initial three seasons, the antagonists were generally characters that appeared only once and were introduced in separate episodes. These villains commonly aimed to take revenge on the world bec...
6.00 6.60 238This cartoon series follows Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck as they live in a California suburb with other iconic Looney Tunes characters. The show explores the characters' friendships and interactions with...
6.50 7.10 167This animated series uses a comedic style that differs from its predecessor, Totally Spies! While it maintains the over-expressive style of Totally Spies!, the animation itself has a distinct look. Th...
6.10 6.70 172Batman, the billionaire playboy turned vigilante, faces off against a formidable group of villains in Gotham City. Joined by his allies Robin and Batgirl, Batman must protect the city from the likes o...
6.60 6.40 155Total Drama Island is a reality show where twenty-two teenagers compete at Camp Wawanakwa in Muskoka, Ontario. Campers participate in challenges to avoid elimination by their peers. The winner receive...
6.10 7.60 168Three hundred years after the Great War, the Maximals, descendants of the Autobots, rule Cybertron in peace with the Predacons. However, a Predacon named Megatron seeks to disrupt this peace by steali...
6.00 7.70 154The story involves the Masters of Evil and a flashback to Captain America defeating Baron Zemo. Iron Man, meanwhile in the episode "Shooting Stars", helps the Avengers thwart the Zodiac's plan to sen...
7.80 7.40 160*Total Drama Island* is a fictional reality show set on Camp Wawanakwa, a made-up island located somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario. The competition features twenty-two teenagers who participate in various...
7.70 7.70 163"I'm known as the strongest magician of the Maou Army," says Ike, a demon renowned for his ability to single-handedly capture fortresses and defeat enemies with powerful magic. Both allies and adversa...
7.23 6.77 261