After narrowly surviving a catastrophic encounter with a gigantic Gauna, resulting in the loss of countless human lives, Kobayashi, the captain of the spaceship Sidonia, undergoes a profound shift in ...

Lately, the stress of having to constantly keep his destructive power under control is causing the Red King Mikoto Suoh to become unstable. Meanwhile, Reisi Munakata is chosen by the Dresden Slate to ...

Gouki Zenjo, former right-hand man to Jin Habari and a survivor of the Kagutsu Incident, returns to work for SCEPTER 4, now under the command of Reisi Munakata, the new Blue King....

For years, the Niflheim Empire and the kingdom of Lucis have been at war. The empire, having dominated most of the world of Eos, covets the power of the last known Crystal, which is held in Lucis' cap...

The movie begins with Fuyuki Hinata and the Keroro Platoon exploring an abandoned temple in the mountaintop city of Machu Picchu in Peru. While on the exploration, Keroro accidentally sets off a trap,...

Years have passed since Kyousuke Kasuga became entangled in a love triangle with the childish Hikaru Hiyama and the elegant Madoka Ayukawa. Now in their final year of high school, Madoka and Kyousuke ...

Captain Sharky and his adventurous crew embark on exciting and frightening journeys. Fearless and full of laughter, they learn that being a good friend is more important than being the most intimidati...

Kim Possible is a television series set in the town of Middleton. The show follows Kim's adventures as she fights her enemies and deals with everyday teenage problems. ...

A guy named Mikey goes to Japan to be in an anime. When he gets there, he finds out that the other people in the anime are all typical anime characters. ...

Prince Kinnikuman, once mocked as a worthless Chojin from the distant planet Kinnikusei, was unexpectedly granted the chance to compete in the Chojin World Cup. Against all odds, he won the championsh...