The new main character Kenji Kusanagi, a high school student who transforms into Kotetsushin Jeeg to battle the sudden reappearance of "Haniwa Genjin" ("Haniwa Phantom Gods," or clay robots), from the...
7.30 6.87 526Resources are scarce across the barren wilderness, and the most important goal is to survive. Through the network of zeppelins, necessary supplies are transported, relying on protection from mercenary...
6.85 605A short spin-off anime released on "Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai: Oozora no Takeoff Girls!" game app and YouTube. ...
6.25 547The abnormal and unexplained can occasionally appear even more terrifying than usual in today's world of amazing technological advancement. But of how far civilization has come, there will always be p...
4.60 5.22 421Koyomi Araragi is always there to meet the needs of his companions from both the supernatural and human worlds, whether they include researching stone shrines, tracing rumors, or just playing hide & s...
7.20 7.63 432One of the most powerful beings in heaven attempted to free humanity from the rule of the other gods long ago, but he perished in the attempt. In order for someone chosen to one day follow his example...
8.10 6.36 627The brilliant Iria Akagami has been ordered by her family to live in a mansion on the remote Wet Crow's Feather Island with just a few maids due to a strange illness. Iria has a number of other genius...
7.40 7.78 436The action of the tale occurs in Lingshan, where a horde of "hopeless" people have assembled. Most of them are destitute, cruel, or incredibly evil, abandoned by Lingshan society. The fourth generatio...
540An island called the Mud Whale is located in a world with an infinite sea of sand. An old village with most of its residents being "Marked," a trait with a double-edged sword that gives people magical...
7.00 7.17 533Yuna, a fifteen-year-old shut-in but relatively well-off player of the VRMMO World Fantasy Online, obtains a bear costume from the game's administrators after nearly a year of obsessive play. Despite ...
6.70 7.10 503What is a bear's knowledge of city living? I wish a lot, for Machi Amayadori's sake! The young shrine girl has lived in the rural mountains with her talking guardian bear, Natsu, for her entire life. ...
5.70 6.31 483High school students happily go about their daily business in an environment as normal as possible until an unimaginable calamity strikes the campus and kills everyone in its path. A few pupils are fo...
7.20 7.45 486