The Widow Douglas adopts Huck at the conclusion of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer as payment for saving her life. The widow tries to "civilize" the newly wealthy Huck in The Adventures of Huckleberry Fi...
6.19 752"Hunter x Hunter" (1999) is an anime adaptation of Yoshihiro Togashi's manga series of the same name. This series has since been remade in 2011 with a more extended story arc. However, the 1999 versio...
8.60 8.40 546The series is set in Great Japan, an alternate history in which the Tokugawa shogunate was still in power and maintained a degree of isolation from the outside world following their defeat by American...
6.40 6.78 510Mew and Mica, two spacey alien androids, pose as cute high school students to conceal their identities as the most undependable dynamic duo ever sent to defend the Earth. The OVA follows the misadvent...
6.90 5.71 524The anime is set in the Tokyo neighborhood of Shinjuku in the year 22 HC (Holy Century). In reality, the story focuses more on the lives of the main characters, such as Natsuki Sasahara, Sakura Bokuse...
8.00 7.01 548"Hyper Speed GranDoll" is a three-episode Original Video Animation (OVA) series from the mid-1990s that combines elements of the magical girl and mecha genres. The story centers around Hikaru Amami...
4.10 5.47 521After having fought over Share energy for many years, the Goddesses signed a treaty which forbids each from taking Share energy from the other using forceful means. As a result of Neptune’s laziness...
6.40 6.94 556"H2O: Footprints in the Sand" is a drama and romance anime that aired in 2008. It's based on an adult visual novel game of the same name. The story centers around Hirose Takuma, a blind young male ...
6.00 7.01 537Shingo Ichinomiya used to be a lone company employee until the day he passed out and awoke as a young child named Wendelin von Benno Baumeister, the eighth son of the noble Baumeister family, in a won...
6.50 6.25 492The player assumes the character of an anonymous former small senior league baseball ace who lost their baseball career due to an unidentified injury in the game. The protagonist decides to never play...
5.50 6.12 860