Kasumi Kogen, often known as "The Village of Mist," is a small village in a rural area of Japan. The Shinobi Gakuen, a school in this town, is where capable female students from over Japan come to tra...

5.50 6.46 498

Kasumi Kogen, often known as "The Village of Mist," is a small village in a rural area of Japan. The Shinobi Gakuen, a school in this town, is where capable female students from over Japan come to tra...

5.50 6.32 453

There is a problem in the Fairytale World. Its princesses and their individual realms are dissipating, having an impact on the human world where their tales are well-known. In order to find three girl...

7.00 550

The protagonist of the novel is Himeko Nonohara, popularly known as Hime-chan, a boastful, aloof, and naive thirteen-year-old girl who worries about being the largest tomboy in the school. Himeko's on...

6.50 7.49 560

Himegoto follows Shimoshina High School second-year student Hime Arikawa. Hime is saved by the three females of his school's student council after he is pursued by debt collectors after being forced t...

5.00 5.90 467

In Kojimachi, Tokyo, there is a covert organization called Eagle Talon. Eagle Talon's attempts (and eventual failures) to rule the globe are chronicled in each episode. ...

6.13 546

High school student Umaru Doma resides with her older brother Taihei. Umaru presents as the model student at school, earning top marks and possessing a variety of skills. To Taihei's dismay, she chang...

7.00 7.12 517

High school student Umaru Doma resides with her older brother Taihei. Umaru presents as the model student at school, earning top marks and possessing a variety of skills. To Taihei's dismay, she chang...

7.00 7.01 513

The human race is facing an unparalleled crisis in the year L.C. 922. The losing demon gods took refuge in the human world of Septpia after a century-long conflict on the fabled world of Tetra-Heaven ...

5.30 6.64 479

Hinako Sakuragi, who has always been interested in theater but finds it difficult to communicate with people, relocates to Tokyo to attend Fujiyama High School while residing at the Hitotose bookstore...

7.10 6.77 539

Nitta, a yakuza member, receives a bizarre thing as a head injury one night. There is a strange young woman named Hina inside the box. She possesses amazing supernatural abilities, and Nitta is forced...

7.90 8.15 433