Early in the 1930s, a small child named Lundi resides in Switzerland with his aunt and uncle. Lundi comes upon a young girl who is the sole survivor of a plane catastrophe and has lost all of her memo...

6.05 530

Early in the 1930s, a small child named Lundi resides in Switzerland with his aunt and uncle. Lundi comes upon a young girl who is the sole survivor of a plane catastrophe and has lost all of her memo...

7.50 6.68 551

Noboru Takizawa enrolls in a school where fights are the only means of resolving conflicts. He swiftly comes into conflict with Sabur Ibuki, the school bully, who squares off against "God's Hall Monit...

6.10 6.61 534

The narrative centers on Urano Motosu, a future librarian and book lover who perishes during an earthquake at her home after being buried beneath a stack of books. She hopes with her last breath to be...

7.90 8.01 518

Hozuki, a demon with ogre-like features and a former human, serves as King Enma's chief of staff and decides which type of hell the dead will be consigned to. Hozuki, who takes himself seriously, make...

7.20 7.78 507

"Hora, Mimi ga Mieteru yo!" (also known as "Hey, Your Cat Ears are Showing!" or "Look, You Can See Your Ears!") is a short-form, Chinese anime series that focuses on the slice-of-life and romance genr...

7.25 540

The idea of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura getting along would seem to be the furthest thing from most people's minds. Hori, after all, is the picture of beauty and intelligence, whereas Miyamura seem...

7.70 7.38 557

Izumi Miyamura, a glum and seemingly nerdy lad with spectacles, is Kyoko Hori's classmate. Kyoko Hori is a bright and well-liked high school student. Hori is a domestic goddess who dresses casually an...

8.10 8.21 459

Hortensia Saga is a medieval fantasy tale of war and chaos. Three years ago, the king was betrayed and murdered by one of his dukes who then rebuilt the kingdom into his own. But now, the original hei...

5.40 5.81 560

The Little Prince's journey from his home planet of B-612 to Earth was chronicled in the television series. After arriving in Europe, he sets out on a voyage around the continent, lending a hand to a ...

7.10 6.70 512

A young, misanthropic college student named Yuuhi Amamiya one day awakens to discover a lizard on his bed. The lizard says that Yuuhi has been selected as a Beast Knight, a magical warrior assigned to...

6.60 5.49 596

"Hoshiai no Sora" (English: "Stars Align") is a sports drama anime that focuses on the members of a struggling high school soft tennis club. The story follows Maki Katsuragi, a transfer student wit...

7.40 7.59 535