Gedächtnis and Drossel von Flügel, the series' central characters, live in a massive manor that is surrounded by what appears to be a robot-populated city. Beyond that city, however, is a desert tha...

Gedächtnis and Drossel von Flügel, the series' central characters, live in a massive manor that is surrounded by what appears to be a robot-populated city. Beyond that city, however, is a desert tha...

Living in a little village close to Antwerp with his grandfather Jehan, Nello Tarth is an impoverished but content orphan. Nello has a gift for drawing, and he's been fascinated by it ever since he wa...

"Flying Witch Petit" is a series of short, special episodes related to the anime series "Flying Witch". The main anime series is a slice-of-life story set in a world where magic exists, although not c...

Like children in any other culture, Japanese children learn to tell and hear stories from their parents and grandparents. The prince from the moon who is found within a bamboo, the boy born from a pea...

Kohei Hasekura, a male protagonist in Fortune Arterial, enrolls in a prestigious public school that is structured like a six-year institution in the West and serves junior-high and high school student...

Fortune Quest is the tale of a bunch of adventurers. Imagine your classic D&D party—Fighter, Thief, Bard, Mage, Healer …and Porter? Okay, don’t know where the Porter comes from, but Pastel and h...

The love between humans and ghosts is the theme of the narrative. The Earth is home to spirits, who will love people and live for thousands of years despite humans having a finite lifetime. Humans die...

Frame Arms Girl, which is based on the original Frame Arms line, incorporates humanoid robots from that line known as F.A. Girls that can be outfitted with a variety of armor and weapon pieces, includ...