The series focuses on Ben Bones, an undead skeleton. Along with his friends, Lenny and Priscilla, they are to protect Freaktown against a massive makeover of the cute and cuddly kind, courtesy of Prin...

6.60 6.80 68

Animated show on Showtime. Lasted one season. About a college guy, his friend who won a lawsuit, his friend's ferret, his friend who he wants more than a friend, his grandma, and his dad....

8.00 6.20 116

Freefonix have discovered a sophisticated way of fighting their battles against rival band Mantyz, by using the power of the Thirteenth Note, an awesome force that can bend space and minds when the pe...

6.70 7.10 76

The show follows Danny Douglas, a 12-year-old boy who, after inventing a time machine lunch box, sends it back in time. However, it was knocked out into the future as future scientists discover it. Be...

6.20 7.70 96

The animated misadventures of Lynn Johnston's acclaimed comic strip family....

6.90 6.20 123

Aside from Franklin, (voiced by Graeme Jokic) other characters from the original series return, including Bear, Fox, Rabbit, Beaver, Goose, Skunk, and Snail, as well as his baby sister Harriet. Badger...

6.20 6.70 129

Fred's Head takes us in the whirlwind life of a teenager with serious reservations about the adult world. In the courses of his adventures, a multitude of eccentric characters pull him in all directio...

7.90 6.50 119

The adventures of the various inhabitants of an underground civilization....

6.80 6.80 114

Three cartoons packed into one half hour. Frankenstein Jr. was a robot constructed by a boy-genius to fight crime, The Impossibles were undercover agents disguised as a rock group....

7.50 6.20 120

When introverted Touka Mimori is summoned to another world alongside his classmates, he gains the ability to inflict status ailments like paralysis or poison on his foes. Unfortunately, such skills ar...


Beryl Gardinant, a self-proclaimed "humble old man," is a sword instructor at his dojo in a rural, backwater village. In his younger years, he dreamed of glory as a master swordsman, but those days ar...


Hana lives on the small island of Tonakijima, with a population of 600, and loves reading to the island's children. Mizuki, the president of the school's broadcasting club, notices Hana's talent for e...